View Full Version : PD170, Bogen 503, now, what Legs?

John Carey
February 24th, 2004, 09:54 PM
Ok, I have decided to go for the Bogen 503 head. The 501 seems cool, but that whole sticking thing can ruin a shot. I dont have much of a budget left (200-300 Bucks or so) and I need to get a set of legs for the 503 head. (Im willing to search the used market if it is absolutley NEEDED)
Keep in mind, im using a PD170 on a 503 Head, and the most important priority is I have something that:

1. FAST and Easy to get a stable. That is the biggest priority, being that most of my shots will not have much time of preperation available.

2. Sturdy

Thanks alot for the help :-)

Don Bloom
February 24th, 2004, 10:10 PM
My preference is the Bogen 3046/3246 (one is silver the other is black)-very sturdy and fairly quick to set up. I have 3 sets with 2 -501's and a 3063 for PD150's and VX1000 but have switched one to a 503 head for a DSR370 and the setup works fine.

Rob Easler
February 24th, 2004, 11:06 PM
Oh and John I'd recommend getting three legs instead of a "pair" unless your shopping for a girl. Tripods tend to fall over with only two legs.

(Sorry I just couldn't resist)

Noah Couchot
February 25th, 2004, 09:27 PM
I'm not sure why I don't see anyone mentioning the 755b. I tried out pretty much every Bogen tripod at the store and the 755b really has some awesome features for video, most noteably the level and half-ball, so readusting leg height isn't necessary.

I'd encourage you to check it out.

Dmitri Henry
February 28th, 2004, 06:53 PM
John how is it going?
Did you find your legs yet?
I am in the same position only i am yet to own a bogen 503 head.
Looking forward to buying triangular shaped legs something around 3246 to go with my 503 head. I was going for the 501 but figured i would upgrade later on so might as well upgrade now. I will be using trv950 with that setup.
Let us know how you end up though.

Eric Foo
March 1st, 2004, 01:11 PM
I just bought a couple of Manfrotto 525MVB leg/503 head kits. Comes with a padded bad. Nice setup so far. It has 2 stage double tube legs and a bottom spreader. The half bowl cuts down on the amount of time it takes to level.

Rob Easler
March 1st, 2004, 02:58 PM
Hey Eric I was considering that 525 and 503 combo at B&H. I would probably pay extra for the mid level spreader. How do you like the combo? It looks like the 525 and 503 are a good match. It's either this or a Miller DS-10 single stage for $200 more.

John Carey
March 1st, 2004, 07:57 PM
BH Has two packages, both around the same price. The 503 head with the 755B and the 3046. What do you guys suggest?


Jacques Mersereau
March 2nd, 2004, 03:35 PM
Bruce Johnson of DV Mag did a review of your head with a cool set
of carbon fiber legs. The head got a 3 and the legs got a 5, which is
the highest award. Probably not cheap, but they sounded very cool.
Maybe check out the dvmag site for the real numbers and specs.

Eric Foo
March 2nd, 2004, 10:36 PM
I've been using it over the weekend. So far so good. Setup is pretty quick although I suspect it'll be faster with a mid level spreader.

You can't have the spreader at full spread and fold up the tripod. So it takes a little fiddling to retract and extend the spreader.

With the spreader at minimum, its pretty fast but a little tippy. I'm going to experiment and see if I can find an optimal spread that'll allow me to open and close without adjustments to the spreader.

The bowl makes levelling so much easier. It goes up pretty high with the double stage legs. Height depends on spread as well.

I really like the 503 head, but I admit I don't have that much experiece with other brands. Its just better that the cheaper stuff I used before. Works great with the XL1s and XM2. Manfrotto also sell the 558B monopod which accepts the same plate making easier to swap stuff around.

I've got a couple of 822c LANC remotes on order so I'll have something to say when it comes in.

Nice padded bag but the strap is optional. :(