View Full Version : XL1s .. with two mics.. each in stereo?

Adam Burtle
February 19th, 2004, 03:06 PM
Can it be done.. using the onboard mic as one of them?

I want to use my ev100 for one stereo channel, and the oem canon shotgun mic (through minijack input) as the second channel.

I could only figure out how to set it up so the audio is "mixed" using the audio selector. Any way to do it with both audio tracks isolated from each other?


Edward Troxel
February 19th, 2004, 03:19 PM
Hook up one mic to stereo1 and the second mic to stereo2. That will let you record up to 4 distinct audio sources (2 on stereo 1 and 2 on stereo 2). You have to change to 12 bit mode for this to work, though, and may also need a different capturing program (such as scenalyzer).

Adam Burtle
February 19th, 2004, 05:17 PM
yes, i am 12bit, ST1 and ST2..

stereo1 config'd to the canon mic

stereo two is LINE IN

i hit the "audio monitor" button, to mix the 2... so i am inferring the two are only mixed for headphone output.. they are still distinct from each other on the tape?

sorry for the confusion.. let me know if i understand correctly now?

Edward Troxel
February 19th, 2004, 10:31 PM
They are 4 distinct channels on tape. You can use Scenalyzer Live to capture both video and Stereo 1 into an AVI file and Stereo 2 into a WAV file simultaneously over firewire. You can then separate them all in your NLE.

Adam Burtle
February 20th, 2004, 11:23 AM
Thanks edward... that was the answer i was looking for. Sound stuff is a bit new to me, haha. ;)