View Full Version : Mini 35 and Magic Bullet

Nick Hiltgen
February 18th, 2004, 12:23 PM
Hello all, I had the good fortune of shooting some demo footage with the mini 35 a few days ago, and just imported it into after effects to see what kind of effect I could get with Magic Bullet AND the Mini 35. The footage I shot was with a PAL XL1, the MIni 35 and a Nikon lens. The footage was then imported into Final Cut Pro 4 and then into after effects. The footage I shot had a couple of different focal areas (different Items at different depths) and I noticed that when i focused on the closer subject (about 4 feet a way) and had the background subject moving (about 8 feet away)- after going through the magic bullet process the background subject had this wierd ghosting, now this could be do to the effects I was adding Decided to use upper field, and convert from 25 to 24 frames per second. So now I'm curious has anyone else has had issues using magic bullet on mini35 footage?

Dennis Hingsberg
February 22nd, 2004, 05:16 PM
Hello Nick, I also use a PAL XL1s with Nikkor lenses so hopefully I can help you out.

Perhaps you can post an image so we could have a look.

I have a feeling that the ghosting you are describing is actually just interlace artifacts which you will usually see on your computer while editing. This is common on images with motion in them and like I said will not appear when you output back to PAL VHS, miniDV or DVD.

If you have no intention of outputting your project back to PAL then you could either deinterlace your footage or next time shoot with the XL1s on "frame" mode.

Hope this helps.