View Full Version : Welcome! About This Forum....

Ken Tanaka
May 24th, 2002, 10:40 PM
Books are arguably the most important reference resources that both beginning and experienced videographers can have in their arsenals.
But, until recently, there was no specific place on this site where we could discuss technical books and, more importantly, where members could go to find information on books. Thanks to Chris, we now have such a place!

Have you found a good book on camera techniques, lighting, directing, script development, Tell us about it here! Have you found a real stinker? Tell us about that, too! The goal is to use this forum to gather our collective book experiences into a rich reference for us all.

GUIDELINE: When posting information information concerning a book please include enough reference information to enable others to locate the book at a retailer or library. For example, any of the following information would be helpful:

- the EXACT TITLE of the book
- the book's PUBLISHER and publication date
- the book's AUTHOR
- ISBN number
- a LINK to the book on, Barnes & Noble (

Good reading to you!