View Full Version : Grants?

Nori Wentworth
May 24th, 2002, 12:38 PM
Maybe some of you have had more luck than I have been having.

I've been shooting independant shorts and features for the last couple of years, which have been completely funded by myself.

I'm becoming frustrated at the amount of work I am having to do to pay for all of the equipment. A full time job and 2 part time jobs doesn't really allow me enough time to do what I love.

So my question is; have any of you had any luck getting grants or funding. I keep hearing of all this money the government gives away for grants, but I am stumped as to were to even begin looking. Any insights?

Thanks - Nori Wentworth

Dave Richler
May 24th, 2002, 01:34 PM
I do not have an answer for you...I can tell you that in Quebec there are cultural grants that you can apply for but they are competitive and hard to come can probably search for grants on the web...type in Government Grant culture might find some interesting stuff.

Also, I noticed your location in BC and I thought you might be able to help answer something for me...I am a student in Montreal and looking for a training facility to go to after I complete my BFA in Film Studies. I found a school near you that deals with Digital Video and has a 1 year program in Digital Film (that's what they call it) with an option for a second year in their independent filmmaking program. Here is the link:
Maybe you know something about it...does it have a good repuation? Maybe you know someone who can answer that...if not, then good luck with your grant search...

Be well, Dave

Ken Tanaka
May 24th, 2002, 02:43 PM
Hi Nori,
I really do not know how promising any of these will be for you. But at least they may give you some starting point from which you can locate other opportunities.

(This looks particularly handy)

Also, don't overlook museums and other cultural and ethnic institutions. For exaample, my cousin and her husband produce and direct short films for an ethnic museum in L.A. They have taken several films to the festivals, most recently to Sundance.

Happy hunting, Nori! Let us know if something pans-out for you on this front.

Barry Goyette
May 24th, 2002, 06:12 PM
I was reading a review of "Trembling Before G-d" and it mentioned that substantial funding for the film($650,000) had come from Mr. Spielberg's "Righteous Person Foundation" (or something like that).

Michael Chen
May 24th, 2002, 07:52 PM
I am in the process of getting independent film makers to join hands and work together on film projects in my country. The cost of making a movie over here is many times lower.

Check out this thread ..

And best of luck to you !