View Full Version : EZ30U and DV852 color match

Paul Jason
February 9th, 2004, 08:13 AM
Will the Panasoinc DV852 footage color match with the Panasonic EZ30U footage if both camera's are used on the same shoot?

Guy Bruner
February 9th, 2004, 08:28 AM
It is very doubtful that you will get a perfect color match, even on separate clips shot with the same camera. Slight changes in lighting and color balance in between shots will do that. It is even more difficult with independent cameras, even of the exact same make and model. That is why a video editing software needs to have color correction or color curves to allow adjusting in post. Visit the DV forums here, in particular the Vegas forum. I believe this has been discussed at length there.

Paul Jason
February 9th, 2004, 11:13 AM
What I want to know is will the DV853 footage look close to the EZ30U footage.
Will there be a huge difference between the two? I guess I should have worded the first post differently. Thanks for the quick reply.

Frank Granovski
February 9th, 2004, 05:42 PM
The color will be richer/fuller with the EZ30U, but it's resolution will be much lower. The EZ30U's color and look is similar with that from the GL1 and XL1. When you shoot with the EZ30U, never use it's stabilzer. It degrades the footage badly---but when in total manual, the footage is excellent---better than the GL1, similar with the XL1 (footage).

The DV852 footage has a look much different than that from the EZ30U. (The EZ30U, a MX300 look-a-like, except that it has a docking station.)


Paul Jason
February 9th, 2004, 08:06 PM
So the DV852 would not be a good second camera to the EZ30U. To Bad:-/ Thanks for the information Frank.

Frank Granovski
February 9th, 2004, 08:11 PM
Well, I just think that the footage will not match. The EX30 plays back lower resolution but with richer color saturation (than the 852). I've used the EZ30U a couple of times. It makes a good tripod cam producing good footage. Perhaps another EZ30U would be your best bet, or another 852 for your 852---I presume you own both.

Paul Jason
February 9th, 2004, 08:54 PM
I don't own either one. I am a snake handler myself. I have the Black Mamba and I love it! Some good friends of mine have a EZ30U and wanted me to find a good 2nd camera for them at a steal of a price. I have heard so much buzz about the DV852 I thought it might work but wanted to check in with the great people on this board and get some advice before I said anything. Thanks again for all this great information.

Frank Granovski
February 10th, 2004, 01:28 AM
Those EZ30U's pop up here and there. A used one in good shape should go for about $600 to $700 US. If someone wants more for one of them, forget it. The EZ50U might still be going cheap at B&H---not as good in low light but not a bad cam either. It's the North Americam version of the MX2000/25000. The colour should be similar, but I think the GL1 would be better for matching colour and resolution (with the EZ30U).

Paul Jason
February 10th, 2004, 04:38 PM
If a EZ30U pop's up for a great price, drop me a line and I'll pass the information on to my friends.

Tommy Haupfear
February 10th, 2004, 05:11 PM
a EZ30U pop's up for a great price, drop me a line and I'll pass the information on to my friends.

I've never tried it but I believe you can save a custom search on eBay and it will actually email you when someone lists the particular item.

Anyone ever try this?

Paul Jason
February 10th, 2004, 05:19 PM
That sounds very cool! Yes, if anyone knows how to do this please post it.

BTW Tommy, how do you do the quote thing like in your last post?

Tommy Haupfear
February 10th, 2004, 05:26 PM
I just checked eBay and you perform a search for the item in question and then choose the Add to My Favorite Searches link and you can setup the duration and whether to notify you.

You can read up vB code in this forum by clicking the link below. It covers everything from making something bold to quoting another member.

Paul Jason
February 10th, 2004, 05:31 PM
Thanks for the ebay information and the link to the vB information.