View Full Version : Be Affraid. - My new short.

Bryan Mitchell
February 8th, 2004, 02:43 AM
Here's my latest -In A Day- Short (in the format of a trailer). 90% of the movie had a crew of just me again, the dollyshot required 2 other people. Let me know what you guys think. I filmed, set up equip, and edited this for a total of about 4 hours.

Langston Sessoms
February 8th, 2004, 01:43 PM
its too dark.

Bryan Mitchell
February 8th, 2004, 03:10 PM
Edit: Since this post seemed mean lol.

Nicholi Brossia
February 8th, 2004, 03:14 PM
I keep my monitor settings fairly bright, and your movie looks dark on my computer also. I watched your other clips as well, and they tend to be too dark to make out what's on the screen at times. The video looks similar to others that were transferred with RCA plugs rather than firewire. So maybe the dark look is due to transfer process or maybe compression settings? Also, if you're editing on an LCD monitor, you'll get a much more acceptable picture than most others CRTs.

Dan Owens
February 8th, 2004, 03:17 PM
Hi Bryan,

I liked it. What equipment did you use? The only criticism I have is that the audio clipped in a few spots. I didn't find the video to be too dark. I know, though, that my monitor is calibrated and when I view photos that look right on my monitor, at work they always look darker. Perhaps that is what Langston is experiencing.

Dylan Couper
February 8th, 2004, 03:18 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Bryan Mitchell : On your monitor. No one else has said that. And thanks for the lengthy feedback. -->>>

Hey, Captain Sarcasm...


I cranked my monitor brightness to the maximum, and it is still dark.

Now beyond that, I really like it. Unlike most other trailers out there that just show pretty pictures, yours actually got me interested in the story. I would definitely like to see the rest of this movie. Give us more!

EDIT: I went back and watched it again. Not sure if the audio clipping is intentional, but it felt natural for the subject. How long do we have to wait for the rest of it?

Also, which font did you use for the titles? Looks like the one from Predator.

Bryan Mitchell
February 8th, 2004, 03:20 PM
I used my XL1s with the standard mic (though theres really no live audio that you can hear), and my home made dolly, which can be viewed at under the dolly test link.

I also used two 250w worklights for home depot, and I tried to make it look like night in post. I didn't spend a great amount of time doing it, so yes, it stilll needs tweaking. I will try to lighten it up while keeping it look light night. All of the raw footage is pretty bright.

I have tried to fix the audio clipping, but no matter how I do it, it seems to clip on volume up when I render. I'm going to try to render the sound outside of Premiere, then put it in. That might fix it.

Did the entire thing look to dark, or where there parts?

The font is called Invisible Killer, and I got it from

The trailer isn't actually for a larger movie that I have filmed, so in the credits it says, a "film that will never be made" :).


edit: Idea: Brighten the whole thing up and tint green, as if the light outside was doing so.

edit 2: New version should be up (sound not fixed, though I too thought it could stay as the mood, but only as long as it attracts, rather than destracts :-) ) I tinted the scenes green, and turned the darkness I added down.

Langston Sessoms
February 8th, 2004, 04:56 PM
it all looked dark except for the shot of the palm trees.

Bryan Mitchell
February 8th, 2004, 05:29 PM
If you just watched it, nothing should look dark since I went through and substantially lightened everything. I have watched this thing on all 3 of my computers, and 2 of my TV's so I don't know what everyone is talking about. You guys must live in dark computer worlds.

I think I'll just stay away from shooting for night. So besides this... any comments on my movie would be appreciated.

Bryan McCullough
February 8th, 2004, 06:24 PM
Is 'affraid' supposed to be spelled wrong?

Did you get that radio annoucement from somewhere (sounds like it could be a War of the Worlds cut) or did you make it yourself?

Bryan Mitchell
February 8th, 2004, 06:30 PM
:( No, the spelling is wrong, I'm fixing it now- You're the first to mention this. Yes the audio is from war of the worlds.

For some reason, my server is going really slow right now too. So if it doesn't load for you, that's the problem.

" transferred with RCA plugs rather than firewire. "

Nope, I captured with firewire. I just did a bad post job I guess. I tried to make it look more like night, but I guess that made it too dark for some people.

Don Donatello
February 8th, 2004, 07:50 PM
has potential but i find the "timing " off.
i think you have the ingrediants ...
timing of the WORDS , images , editing pace never meet/come together for me ...

the radio words are more shocking then any image.
the titles fade up too slowly and fade out slowly ..

this is like the "horror" films from the 50's trailers ..
IMO watch some 1950's previews - watch how they use titles to SCARE you without showing you anything ...