View Full Version : Stepping up

John Locke
February 6th, 2004, 09:42 PM
I'm thinking about shooting something NOT on DV... any suggestions on what I should consider using?

I've had my eye on the Aaton 35-3P, but I'm also considering HD.

What do you guys think would be the best way to go as a "learning experience" in stepping up from my XL1?

Matthew Groff
February 6th, 2004, 10:27 PM
Film: S16 or 35. It's just beautiful in a way video will never be... Even HD. Give in to the magic of lighting and not seeing exactly how it will be while you're still on set. It will set you free.


Rick Bravo
February 7th, 2004, 11:06 PM
Here is a little saying that you may always want to keep in the back of your mind:


Regardless of how much video has evolved, film is still King...that's why all video shooters want to make their videos look like film!

35 is wonderful but very expensive, both equipment, raw material, processing and crew wise.

Also, be very careful. I see by your website that this isn't your first BBQ, but always remember that it is much easier to go from lighting in film to lighting in video. The reverse is not true.

With film, you are no longer using a monitor, etc. to check lighting. This is the world of light meters and footcandles, subtle moves into grays and color corrections that most video folk never have to deal with. That is not even taking the myriad of different emulsions available to today's Cinematographer. If you haven't worked in film, I would strongly suggest that you hire a good gaffer to keep you honest.

16 or S16 is much more doable budgetwise. If you are not planning to blow up, or project the final product, there is no real reason to go with 35, and Super 16 gives you a little more image area to play with for projection.

If you have the resources and money available, I would strongly recommend the ARRI SR series, whether it is a regular SR or a 3.

Here is a webpage to CineVideoTech in Miami. Use the prices as a reference. They carry everything you need for a film shoot, whether it is raw stock, camera, support equipment, grip/electric packages, expendables, etc.

Don't go solely on the posted prices. You can negotiate much lower rates based on the time of year you are renting, etc.

Good luck, RB.