View Full Version : Post pics of your XL1/s rigs

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Ed Smith
February 3rd, 2004, 01:09 PM
Well I don't think this has been done yet. Please post url links to pictures of your rig. I'm only interested in your rig with what you have attached to it and are able to carry/ attach to a tripod i.e. mini35, lcd monitor, matte boxes etc.

remember put the [url ] at the beginning and [ /url] at the end.

I guess i'll start...

Heres a low resolution picture:

Canon XL1
MA200 XLR adapter
5.6" LCD monitor
Wireless EV100 mic

Its not as much as some peoples but it does the job!



Jimmy McKenzie
February 3rd, 2004, 05:53 PM
nice ... just curious on the sennheiser receiver pack: since it is stock with mini rts, what adapter did you use to go into the ma200? Is this an accessory cable available from sennheiser?

I have an xlr samson that I would like to replace with the sennheiser 100...

Thanks - Jimmy.

Rob Lohman
February 3rd, 2004, 06:09 PM
This picture ( will have to do for now...

The only things not "standard" are the Hoodman and a 5500 mA
(non-canon) battery.

Dylan Couper
February 3rd, 2004, 08:55 PM

I'm the guy holding the camera.
Here's one of me and the camera "working" at the David Ledbetter Golf Academy at Champion's Gate, Florida.

Here's a cast photo on the set of a video I did last fall. Again, I'm holding the camera.

Here's forum member Keith Loh setting up some XL1's for an indie project we helped a friend out with. Feel free to make fun of our wussie tripods in this one. (we both have "real" tripods now)

Ed Smith
February 4th, 2004, 04:22 AM

The ev100 is attached to the ma200 via the battery plate supplied with the ma200. The ev100 uses mini jack and so I brought a mini jack to xlr adapter cable. Sometimes I just plug it straight into the on-board mic socket.

Have you not got anymore accessories?

Nice, nice, nice love the matte box. I'm even surprised that the tripod in the back could even hold such a camera!!!

Come on need more... Don't be shy...


Chris Hurd
February 4th, 2004, 01:11 PM
Okay, here's one for you: not your usual lens configuration (

More photos of this setup at : -- enjoy,

Don Berube
February 4th, 2004, 02:23 PM
Here's mine with the FireStore FS-3 mounted onto an Anton Bauer QR-XL1-C with a Dolgin Brace Classic, BeachTek DXA-4C, Canon B&W viewfinder, TIFFEN TELE-2X viewfinder magnifier, Canon 16X manual/ Servo lens, Chrosziel matte box and Manfrotto 542ART carbon fiber sticks/ 505 head.

If I need to do wireless audio, I simply mount my two Sennheiser EW100 receivers behind the QR-XL1-C.

- don

Rob Lohman
February 4th, 2004, 04:17 PM
I'm afraid not Ed. I would like to get some other things but the
money is not allowing it at the moment. A nice shoulder support,
steadicam and harddisk recording unit would be nice.... Heh.

Ed Smith
February 4th, 2004, 05:20 PM
Thats cheating - its not yours!!!

Those pictures are cool. It must be heavy.

Ah oh well, if I could afford it i'll have a steadycam!

more, more, more


Steve Siegel
February 4th, 2004, 07:07 PM
Where did you find the Viewfinder Magnifier? Tiffen doesn't have it on their website, and B&H only carries them for Sony and Ikegama.

Don Berube
February 4th, 2004, 07:40 PM
Hi Steve,

Unfortunately there is no model for the Canon color EVF - but it probably wouldn't be too difficult to fandangle the Ikegami model onto the color EVF with gaff tape? Or how about using a close-up diopter in front of the color EVF? hmmmmm...

The model I am using is the WAVFIKEGAMI TELE-2X - which fits the Canon B&W EVF perfectly as it is manuafactured by Ikegami.

I pretty much only use the B&W EVF these days.

- don

Sharon Fraats
February 5th, 2004, 01:21 PM
AAAAHHHH!!! But it is on his website so does that count as he remembered were it was.

Jan De Wever
February 6th, 2004, 05:04 AM
Well, here's my setup:

XL1 (not S)
Anton Bauer Ultra Light 2
Anton Bauer battery mount, giving juice to both the camera and the Ultra Light 2
Sennheiser UW100 receiver, mounted with Velcro to the tape door (mounting it to the back of the AB batteryplate gave a hissy noise, there's a transfo in that plate ...

and the full article with descriptions is at

Ed Smith
February 10th, 2004, 03:55 AM

Does the e100 not put strain on the tape door when you open and close it. Or it must be annoying if you take it on and off when inserting a tape.

I guess you don't use playback though the camera as much, being that you have ties holding the cables to the handle,

Nice pics, like the anton battery and light.


Rob Lohman
February 10th, 2004, 04:23 AM
It's hard to see, but it looks like the straps are just outside of
the playback control area? Nice setup indeed. And jan, "bedankt"
for the article! Great read.

John Threat
February 10th, 2004, 09:16 AM

Here is my rig. It's been modified a bit since this was taken, so it's a bit more dramatic, but in the photo this is the matte box setup, the ma-200 and the manual 16x (which is a must have)

Rob Lohman
February 10th, 2004, 09:47 AM
Looking nice John! What did you change after this?

Jan De Wever
February 10th, 2004, 05:15 PM
Hi Ed,

thanks for the comments!

The UW100 receiver indeed adds some weight to the tape door. And indeed, you have to be carefull when changing tapes: when the rig is on a tripod, and while ejecting a tape, just hold the UW100 so it doesn't 'snap' open too quickly. That way, the strain is greatly reduced.

The straps holding the cables in place, fall just besides the door covering the tape controls, so they are still accessible without any problem.

This setup has proven to be a true workhorse, beating many big bucks Beta teams in the heat of the action. I can be very quick, have everything with me, so my reporter doesn't have to wait when he/she wants to put a mike under someone's nose!

Ed Smith
February 13th, 2004, 02:28 PM
John nice setup,

The Ma200 looks a bit sad on its own :( Any accessories for that?


Wheres the pics with the mini35 attached to the camera - I don't see any yet. Don't be shy...

John Threat
February 13th, 2004, 11:23 PM
The sad thing is.. i dont have a digital camera anymore to take pictures.. maybe i can point my rig at the mirror and try to catch it's reflection at an angle.

BTW, I use the Matte Box from CaVision. It's the cheapest one that has 4x4 filter holding stage (one rotating). One note, keep tightening the screws on it , because youlll be sad if it comes a part. For the price it's great and functions well, but it isn't super sturdy over time (vibrations, transporation) and screws seem to shake out of it.

Patrick Wright
March 2nd, 2004, 02:11 AM
..about my rig except I designed an adapter to use bayonet mount lenses with my xl1. It was just finished tonight so I gave it a try. images at

The sun was quickly setting so most of the pics are in the dark. I'll post some better ones once I get a little time behind this setup.

The xl1 side mount is one I ordered from the factory. The rest was machined at a local shop to my specs out of aircraft aluminum.

Rick Bravo
March 3rd, 2004, 10:00 PM
Another day at the office. Here are some different configs.

We configure our XL1s cameras in quite a few ways to suit the job at hand.


Jean-Philippe Archibald
March 3rd, 2004, 10:09 PM
A poor XL1 alone in the gas...

Dylan Couper
March 4th, 2004, 12:56 AM
DAMN RICK!!! That's some pretty cool setups!

Patrick, nice adapter! Can't wait to see more comparison pics. Please include side by side pics too.

Rob Lohman
March 4th, 2004, 06:03 AM
Rick: which shoulder support is that? Nice setups indeed!

Rick Bravo
March 4th, 2004, 10:11 AM
The shoulder mount was made by Studio 1, in Orlando, FL.

I don't think they make it for the XL1 anymore as they did not have a great demand for them. I begged them to build two of them for us and they just happened to have extra sets of the proper rods to do so, we got lucky.

The zoom controller is a VZ Rock from VariZoom.

The rig is very comfortable, especially if you have someone pulling focus for you.


Corey Cook
March 6th, 2004, 11:05 PM

How well does that underwater housing work? How deep can you go?


Rick Bravo
March 7th, 2004, 01:01 AM
Although we have them for the XLs, the TRV-950s and the VX-2000, we don't use the EWA for underwater work. We use them to protect the equipment as well as the tape, which becomes evidence, during Haz-Mat documentation.

We have Gates Housings for the Panasonic AG-EZ30 and the SONY TRV-950. This pretty much covers any of out deepwater shooting needs. They are phenomenal!

In the "Real World", the EWA bags ARE used for underwater work. A little ungainly but great for the weekend warrior that wants to shoot UW every couple of leap years.

I CAN say that the EWA for the TRVs and the VX-2000 are allot more comfortable to use than the one for the Canon, and, if I am not mistaken, they are rated to about 35-40 feet!

Not to shabby considering that they are really nothing more than glorified sandwich bags with attitudes!

Let me know if there is any other UW questions I can help you with.


Marcus Keeler
April 21st, 2004, 02:26 PM
Here's my set up. I'm a bit of a newbie to this level having only goofed around with Sony PCx's up until now.

My editing is done on my Apple G5 using FCP4. I'm trying to break into semi professional work. I'm working on a short promo flick for a local Go-Kart track presently which is going pretty well. Fingers crossed I can get some more knock-on work from it.

Kevin Burnfield
May 4th, 2004, 07:21 PM
Patrick, I am totally fascinated by your set-up.

What lens are you using?

Please tell us as much as you can about this, the DOF in those pics looks fantastic.

Patrick Wright
May 5th, 2004, 12:13 AM

Thanks for the compliments. I really havent had time to go out
and shoot enough good examples to do a proper comparison but
weather permitting I hope to get around to doing more this weekend.

The lens is an Angenieux 9.5mm-57mm wide angle for 16mm with an Arri style
Bayonet mount that
has a speed range of F1.9-22 (T1.9-22). I really wanted a high quality fully
manual lens that wasn't going to cost me $1500+ and also I hoped it would give
a greater sense of DOF so I picked this one up on ebay for $350. I chose the
bayonet mount because they are plentiful and seem cheaper overall than PL or
other more modern mounts. Also they still produce new lenses with this same
mount so if I wanted a lens with modern optical coatings id have an upgrade
path. Because the lens is 16mm format the magnification (about 1.8) and loss of
DOF is much less than 35mm lenses which have magnification factor of about 7
and lose significant DOF.

The adapter itself is comprised of two main pieces. The body is made
from aircraft aluminum while the mount is a factory xl1 stainless steel
( ) mount
you can order from Canon USA in New Jersey for $45. The adapter
body cost $400 to produce at a local machine shop though they admitted
that if they made 20+ the price would drop to about $75-$100 for the body
not counting the cost of the factory mount.

Overall I would probably have been better off just buying a manual lens that
was made for the XL1 but I am very happy with the results and the total control
this setup affords me. Also I can buy used 16mm lenses for much less and there
is a significantly wider variety of lenses to choose from now.

As for the mini35s I'm also working on an Augus35(moving) and Aldu35(static)
of my own and though I have the DOF I wanted the filmic look some are achieving
is very desirable. Yes, much of the filmic look can be achieved in post but I like to
get my footage as close as ideal as possible to reduce the amount of post work.

I hope this has answered your questions, if you have any more please email me.


Michael Dalton
July 13th, 2004, 12:20 PM
Here is my rig for the EOS lens system with a nice Canon 35-350 lens. I have posted it before.

It also has a comparison of the 3x verses the standard 16x. The rod system and pistol grip is from Cavision, and is fantastic. Cavision took the time to build this with me specifically to fit the lens. Anyone interested in one should contact them.

Hai Tran
August 13th, 2004, 02:47 PM
hi Rich
is your light get resource from the batery or it has its own resource? where do you buy it? and its price? thanks

I need to buy a tripod too, url please

Chris Zimmerman
November 11th, 2004, 03:42 PM
Nothing to special,

Elmar Tewes
November 13th, 2004, 11:45 AM
here is my final equipment:

some parts are made by cosmin. custom made matte box with implemented cokin filterholder and french flag, follow focus device, zoom rods, clamps and some other parts

Pete Mander
April 6th, 2005, 05:03 AM
Heres a pic of my set up with a 3 inch monitor..I made the battery pack you see on the back from an older RC car remote to power the monitor..I made the matte box sun shild thingy too that has a space for drop in filters.. made from plastic cookie sheets and a lense case from an old LCD projector.

i just got this cam and love it I already what the XL2. I had a sony vx2000 and there is quite a differnce in the two.

ya thats my ugly mug holding the cam..LOL ( (


Tony Davies-Patrick
April 6th, 2005, 05:47 AM
I really like the solid, well-built look of that homemade mattebox/shade, Pete; and wouldn't mind one to fit my X16 manual lens and adapters!

Chris Pettit
April 7th, 2005, 11:00 AM

I have only just seen this thread - just joined. I am interested in your LCD monitor. I find the overscan on the viewfinder a big problem and usually lug about a big monitor so I can see what I am shooting (if a mic boom is being used). Does your LCD show an underscan picture? How do you power it? Where can I buy one (PAL)? I am also based in the UK.

I also use an ev receiver - I use velcro to attach it to the battery.

Ed Smith
April 7th, 2005, 11:57 AM
Hi Chris,

Thanks for the interest in my rig.

I always get confused with over scan and under scan. But I can tell you that the monitor shows the full frame i.e. outside the save area - Not handy when you are trying to frame a shot accurately.

I got the monitor from ntrac ( It looks like that they don't sell it anymore (I got it about 2 years ago). There are plenty of 5.6" monitors available elsewhere. When in-doors, the monitor is generally powered by mains. When mains are not available I have a sealed lead acid battery (that ways a ton). This is then either Velcro to the back of the LCD or I place it in a rucksack or pocket, when on the move.


Chris Pettit
April 7th, 2005, 03:04 PM
Hi Ed

Thanks for your reply. That site has got a LCD monitor that looks quite good. I will check it out.



Lawrence Norris
May 9th, 2005, 10:06 AM
Ed, what type of 5.6 lcd is that and how does ii plug into the view finder port on the front of the xl1s. My name is Larry Norris and I'm getting started in video. Got the xl1s just looking for advise on other equipment to help me with audio, mic setups, ect... Eager to lean and will have a lot of questions. please feel free to email me direct also. I'm new at MB's (message boards) so bare with me till I get up to speed. thx.

Ed Smith
May 9th, 2005, 11:09 AM
Hi Lawrence,

The 5.6" is an ordinary colour TFT with audio and composite out. I connect it to the yellow RCA (composite) in order to see what the camera sees. It does not connect into the viewfinder.

Hope this helps,

Paul Nash
July 16th, 2005, 05:54 PM
I'm the good looking one:

Mitch Lifton
September 20th, 2005, 07:59 AM
The model I am using is the WAVFIKEGAMI TELE-2X - which fits the Canon B&W EVF perfectly as it is manuafactured by Ikegami.

I pretty much only use the B&W EVF these days.

- don[/QUOTE]


Do you or anyone know if the TELE-2X will fit the standard (non B&W) XL-1 EVF? I can't afford the 1.5K for the B&W and because I am using the XL-1 on a fig rig I need to keep everything as light as possible. Any other alternatives to keeping my eye glued to the viewfinder? The 5.6" TFT plus battery from VariZoom makes the whole rig too heavy and cubersome though fine on a static tripod.

Jon Canaan
March 22nd, 2006, 12:35 AM
I love looking at other people's stuff. It gives me great ideas. How to run cables, how to attach things, where to use braces, etc.

I have some good pics, but not sure how to post them.. Any advice?

Pete Mander
March 22nd, 2006, 02:22 AM
I use this site

David Cummings
April 27th, 2006, 03:57 PM
I've got just about the same setup. It's an angeneiux 12-120mm 16mm lens in arri standard mount mounted on my Canon XL1s. I'll post some pics soon. I also just got Quyens new letus35xl and am starting to play around with that a bit. Cheers!

Chris Luker
June 30th, 2006, 05:18 PM
Here is my setup. Works great!

Josh Rudy
July 29th, 2006, 06:53 PM
I feel sort of amateur, but I am so I guess thats alright. I thought I'd show off my home made shotgun mic boom made from an alluminum shower curtain rod mounted on an old tripod (just go finished putting it all together) The mic is just a simple Sima shotgun mono mic.

Andrew Fraser
December 19th, 2006, 06:55 PM
Just a few of my Canon