View Full Version : Fisheye/Wide angle somthing inbetween?

Jonny Throop
February 3rd, 2004, 12:34 AM
Hello everyone!

I was wonding if there is a Cheap (cost not quality) Wide angle lens that gives that fisheye distortion, but not so crazy that you can only see what is like .. right in front of the lens. Somthin sorta inbtween the two. I was looking at the Canon WD-58 and was wondering if it had the slight barrel effect I am looking for.

thanks guys!

Ken Tanaka
February 3rd, 2004, 12:43 AM
The WD-58 offers a bit of barrel distortion in close vertical lines near the sides of the frame. Otherwise, it's just a good wide-angle, as it's designed to be.

Search this section of the forum for fish-eye lenses, as this is a relatively frequent question, particularly from youngsters shooting skateboarding (for some reason). Century Optics makes some of the best but they're not "cheap"; indeed, no good lens accessory will be.