View Full Version : Bogen/Manfrotto 755B MDeVe Tripod

Graham Budd
January 30th, 2004, 08:42 PM
Provided I don't have to move around too much I use my aged Bogen 3051/Manfrotto 058 tripod with a Bogen 3063/Manfrotto 136 head. A solid platform but slow & heavy if you have to carry it far and setup, level & move quickly.

I am considering putting a Bogen/Manfrotto 503 head on
Bogen/Manfrotto 755B MDeVe Legs.

These 'sticks' appear to be ideal for quick setup and levelling outdoors.

Is anyone using the 755B with a PD150/170 VX2000/VX2100 & if so is the tripod reasonably rigid enough for smooth pans (given it's design & weight).

Cheers, Graham

Frank Granovski
February 3rd, 2004, 04:56 PM
The Manfrotto 136 head should work just fine. I don't know about those legs---I had the 75B legs, which weigh 9.9 pounds. Overall the 136/75b setup was excellent except that it was too heavy to carry around (about 12.5 pounds total weight). Yes, it was easy to level, and I wished I still had it for indoor work---but not lugging it around in the cemetery.

Tom Herman
February 3rd, 2004, 08:06 PM
I've been "playing" around a bit with a new 755B MDeVe & Bogen 501 head. Using it with a lighter camera, a TRV900.

I'm not 100% pleased with the 501 head, and am exchanging it for a 503. See this thread concerning the 501 head:

But so far am happy with the 755B MDeVe, it seems rigid enough, plus its "ball mount" & leg lever locks makes it a breeze to setup and level.

The spirit level on the 755B MDeVe gets covered by the 501's base, but since the 501 & 503 also have a built-in level, that's no problem.

I expect to have the upgraded 503 head in my hands within 7-10 days, I can let you know then how it's working out ...

B&H and Adorama in New York USA sell the legs, head, and a padded bag as a kit with a tidy overall $$ savings, but shipping to NZ would surely negate all that.

Graham Budd
February 3rd, 2004, 10:40 PM
Thanks Tom, I guess I have already decided from the various posts I have read here that the extra US$110 for the 503 is worth the investment, its roughly another US$110 to here from B&H .... waiting for the US$ to fall further !

I'm not sure if I can source the legs here & because of the user base, prices are often not as competitive.

Do you think the extra weight of a VX2000 over your TRV900 would change your view of the 755B? It is rated at 9.8lbs 'load capacity'?

From the post you mention "stiction" ....

On my old 3063/136 head it was very stiff .... I disassembled and cleaned it with 'CRC* CO Contact Cleaner' 'precision cleaning electronic solvent' (as recommended by Panavision NZ) and replaced the so called 'silicon grease' (from Manfrotto) I put a little in and increased it until I got the resistance I needed .... now works well but needs a workout before use on a cold morning.

Cheers, Graham

* Australian manufacture .... may be a US brand?

Tom Herman
February 4th, 2004, 01:13 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Graham Budd : Do you think the extra weight of a VX2000 over your TRV900 would change your view of the 755B? It is rated at 9.8lbs 'load capacity'? -->>>

I'm unable to offer a comment based on direct, first hand experience ...

But a VX2000 is only a couple lbs heavier than my existing TRV900, it's hard to imagine this slight amount of extra weight making a big difference ... it might even be a tad more stable with the slight extra weight of the VX2000.

Perhaps someone with actual first hand experience with this combination, will chime in.

Doug Okamoto
February 4th, 2004, 03:00 AM
Hi Guys,

The VX2100 is 3 lbs 6 oz and the TRV 950 is 2 lbs 2 oz. (Their predecessors were not very different in weight). Not a significant weight difference, especially on a head like the 503 so Tom, your experience is very relevant.

Graham, you will be very happy with the 503 (compared to your old 3063 at least!) We still use our 3063 on 3036 sticks as the platform for our camera jib (that's all it's good for now a days...).


Doug Okamoto

Jon McLean
February 4th, 2004, 04:49 PM
Hi Graham,

I use a 755 with a 501 and PD150. Its ok with the PD150 although I miss having the spiked feet that my 351MV/503 is fitted with when shooting on carpet etc. I got mine through Panavision in Auckland a few months back when our $ was not so hot :(.

I did try my DSR-250 with it tied down in the back of my 4x4 doing some shots mobile and the ball mount worked loose(as did the camera ;) ). Camera was a bit oversize for it but I couldnt fit the 351MV in the back of the truck - too high and wide so had to use it - it did last long enough to get the shots in until I hit some speed bumps!



David Ziegelheim
February 4th, 2004, 11:50 PM
I have a 756 with 700C1 head and a 542ART with 503 head.

Obviously a big difference in the heads...but also a big difference in the legs. The center post and small 50mm contribute to less stability. If the post is down all the way it is not that tall.

You have to double check to make sure all the legs are against a stop. And their are six clamps that have to be unlocked and locked to adjust the legs.

The 542ART is stable and deploys in seconds. Individual leg adjustments are made with a button or a spring loaded lever. And its height is greater than the 756 extended.

And it is 8 times more expensive.

Graham Budd
February 7th, 2004, 04:37 PM
Thank you Gents for your responses .... I think I need to get my hands on a 755B set of legs & give them a try before buying ...

Cheers, Graham

John McPaul
February 12th, 2004, 04:58 PM

I have the 755 legs with a 503 head and it is an excellent partner with my vx2000. It handles the weight of the vx2000 with the 9 hour battery and wide angle lense with ease.

Cheers John

Graham Budd
February 12th, 2004, 05:30 PM
Thanks for your feedback, John