View Full Version : Preview on External Monitor flashing..

Yang Wen
April 16th, 2009, 09:52 PM
I was under the impression that preview on external monitor was only used to output to a firewire device for previewing on a TV monitor. I didn't realize that it would blow the preview window up to full screen on one of my dual monitors. Cool!

Timeline playback is very smooth.. However, I have a problem with playing back from the trimmer.. each time I start/stop the video in the trimmer, the full screen monitor flashes real quick to reveal the desktop behind it and then goes back to fullscreen mode. This occurs each time I start/stop the video in the trimmer and also occurs when I double-click a clip from the Project manager to load it into the trimmer..

Anyone else having this issue? I'm using Nvidia and Windows XP 32-bit...