View Full Version : Video forum UK

Ed Smith
January 28th, 2004, 06:29 AM
For any one from the UK:

The video forum will be held at wembly exhibition centre 10th-12th Feb.

Its a great opportunity to see simi-pro equipment up front.



Al Osmond
January 30th, 2004, 03:15 AM
Thanks for that; it seems to come around more quickly each year. Must register online....


Michael Connor
February 17th, 2004, 05:01 PM
Hi was just wondering how people found the forum last week, in London. I thought it was AMAZING! Wandered round for 3 days in my element. Full marks to all of the companies that showed up there. Everyone was really helpfull and the workshops excellent. All for free too, made the £1.50 cup a 't's worth it!

Ed Smith
February 19th, 2004, 08:52 AM
Hi Micheal,

I popped a long on the Thursday and spent the whole day looking around the video side of things and sound expo. A few things caught my eye.

The place seems to be getting bigger and bigger by the year. Next year they're going to be in Earls Court.

Oh yeah, lunch was expensive - £3 for a bottle of Becks!!!



Michael Connor
February 19th, 2004, 01:07 PM
Is early court bigger than wembley? Great if it is. I was impressed with the people there actually. At say, a computer fayre you have a load of knobs trying to make a few quid out of you. At the forum i wandered round as a complete novice and found people very helpfull, without trying to pressure sale me and just generally tring to help everyone out. This is so refreshing to find in a world that is normally dog eat dog! Dissapointing to see no representative from canon there i guess, but, hey, theres next year!

Ed Smith
February 20th, 2004, 03:22 AM
Yes, I believe earls court to be larger - Its where the Brits were held a couple of days a go.

I beilieve that there was a Canon UK stand - it was in the middle, and had not a lot on the stand, could not see any XL1s, XM2 but they did have some of their pro gear.

Many of the other stands had XL1s as demo/ show models.

All the best,


Michael Connor
February 20th, 2004, 11:46 AM
ooops, 3 days of wandering, and missed it??!!! Yea i saw the big cannon cameras, and quite a few xm1s used as display models and on crane/ jig type things. Unfortunatley every one i saw had a picture that had something wrong with it, was frustrating as it just needed a white ballance button pressing or something. I think someone could have made a lot of money promoting the xm2, because for the price it is cracking, and for a lot of people two xm2s and a few nice acessories would be a more usefull tool than one big expensive shoulder camera costing say three to five grand!

Ed Smith
February 20th, 2004, 12:51 PM
I think the underlying issue is that canon targeted the wrong market at the show. Its more a simi-pro type show than full on professional/ Broadcast.

Hay ho,


Michael Connor
February 21st, 2004, 05:51 AM
possibly. Though my prophecy is that there will soon no longer be that semi pro category that there is, because were all aiming at broadcast quality am sure. But simply the home user, the broadcast user, and on the high end the hollywood film makers! The quality of TV is changing. A lot of people now seem to want to watch a man sitting on the toilet having a dump then scratching his head instead of a carefully filmed drama series that they may miss part of. Is strange but as our culture changes, now is the time to prepare for entering the broadcast world. With low cost but higher effort programmes that we hope will make a difference. & we brits have pal on our side for the next few years untill high deff. finally takes over the world!?!!!