View Full Version : FPC4 crashes on save/save as

Gary Chavez
January 27th, 2004, 11:01 AM
I just upgraded to 4.
got most of the bugs worked out. trashed preferences, apple.fpc... and poa cache.
upgraded quicktime and FPC4 from Apple site a couple of times.
Has stopped crashing on every single operation to just crashing on Save/Save as. has anyone come across this?

OS 10.2.8, G4 1.25 dual
medea 5x320 array, knona SD card, and Iomega 120 firewire drive.

Gary Chavez
January 27th, 2004, 12:30 PM

upon futher experimentation, it only does this with my projects made in FPC3!
Since I still have this on my hard drive, Is it possible to open those projects in FPC3 and work with them that way?

Gary Chavez
January 27th, 2004, 04:46 PM
It is not possible to work on those projects in FPC3.
How do I make the old projects created in FPC3 work in FPC4.
Any FPC3 project crash in FPC4 upon the completetion of any type of render and upon any type of save.
Am I getting closer to describing the problem?
very frustrating.

Jeff Donald
January 27th, 2004, 05:02 PM
Basically you can convert FCP 3 projects to FCP 4, but once you do, you can't go back. FCP 4 projects will not work in FCP 3.

Gary Chavez
January 27th, 2004, 05:04 PM
is this a common problem?

Jeff Donald
January 27th, 2004, 09:44 PM
No, it's the way FCP 4 was designed. This is stated in the manual and was also mentioned on Apple's site in the FCP software details.

Glenn Chan
January 28th, 2004, 12:05 AM
1- Usually you shouldn't change versions for your projects. Based on recent history, you should avoid updating any components of your system (OS X, Quicktime, FCP) in the middle of a project since the upgrade may break things. The first version of an "upgrade"/patch tends to break stuff.

2- I think it's ok to keep FCP3 around and finish your project in FCP3. You can kinda change stuff from FCP4 to FCP3 using EDLs. EDLs won't keep everything in your project, so some effects and filters and other stuff will be lost.

Gary Chavez
January 28th, 2004, 08:58 AM
Thank you guys,
I always learn things the hard way.
It is just not in my nature to wade through manuals. Itried that when I got 3, honest I did, but it was just futile.
I had to learn Mac, fpc 3 Itunes, dvd pro, peak all at the same time.
Thank God for you guys. Luckily I have only opened one 3 project to experiment on. However, its one that may still need some tweaking. so back to 3 for now.
thanks again.