View Full Version : Name this anime film...
Heath McKnight January 26th, 2004, 09:28 AM For the life of me I can't remember much of this film, incl. the title. But here's the best I can tell:
When I was around 10 or 11 (in 1986 - 1987) I would watch this anime on HBO a lot. It was a feature film, and had these giant "caterpillars" with powers or something. And a baby is kidnapped by the villain and flown via hot air balloons to the Villain's HQ, and they shoved giant stakes in the baby caterpillar, and blue blood shoots out.
Heroic blonde woman saves the day, dies, but the other caterpillars use their gold "tentacles" to bring her back to life or something.
So, what film is this? Anyone? Just curious. Don't know why I thought of this...
Adrian Douglas January 26th, 2004, 09:53 AM The English title might be "Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind". It is made by Studio Ghibli, the same crew that made "Spirited Away" and "Princess Mononoke".
Heath McKnight January 26th, 2004, 10:12 AM You are my hero. I don't remember much, but once I saw the pic online of the "bug," I knew that was it!
ps-Is there a North American unedited version? I obviously saw the "brutalized" one.
Adrian Douglas January 26th, 2004, 10:53 AM I have no idea about the North American version but the Japanese region 2 version has English subtitles and I think English dubbing as well. If you can't get it off the Net I can get it here for you and send it over.
The 'bug' is called an Ohm. It's a great story and one everyone should watch. All the work from these guys have great stories and the most beautiful 2D animation you'll ever see.
Heath McKnight January 26th, 2004, 11:15 AM Ohm...Isn't that an audio thing? :-)
Michael Gibbons January 27th, 2004, 01:19 PM I have the (a?) North american version on VHS. It is taken from the French version, 20 minutes have been cut out of it, in what appears to be an ill concieved attempt to make it suitable for kids, and, subsequently, the plot makes no sense. It is beutuful to look at, though. My copy is entitled "Warrors of the Wind."
If you like the look of it and the story, the source material is a twelve hundred page graphic novel, also entiltled "Nausica of the Valley of the Wind" The graphic novel is one of the coolest things I've ever read, comic or text, and I read a lot.
The writer/artist is the same man who wrote/directed "Princess Mononoke," and"Spirited Away" Hayo Miyazaki.
Well worth the time.
I would love to see the movie in its' original version.
Edward Tune January 27th, 2004, 01:41 PM I know this is totally off topic... but I feel safe in posting it in this area!
As you probably know Heath, Ohm is a measure of resistance.
I once wanted to have people keep away from a large pile of equipment and could not think of a good waring sign until I came up with a white sign with a red letters of "Danger! 50,000 ohms" That, and a couple of lightning bolts kept everyone away.
And it was very true! I usually display a large amount of resistance to people fooling with my equipment.
Joe Carney January 27th, 2004, 05:11 PM Heath, you might want to try Past Present Future up in West Palm Beach.
They are located on Military Trail at the first stop light north of Belvedere, west of the Airport.
They are in a strip shopping center on the left. Can't miss them. They have lots of fan dubbed uncut Anime, and may have info on how to get what you want. (Note..they usually pull out titles that get released officially in the US, but there is still a chance someone my know someone...)
For reference there is a John Smith subs in the same strip, and a Wendys right across the street at the same stoplight.
Best to turn left at the light and then a quick right into the parking lot, or you will have to drive up a ways and do a u-turn.
Good Luck
BTW, way south in Pompano Beach is a place called Tates. Probably the best brick and mortor for Anime in the entire state.
If you want to check them out, let me know and I'll post driving directions. Plus they have lots of Japanese and American cult films, books, magazines, toys, DandD type stuff, comics, both adult and general....great place to get lost in.
Heath McKnight January 27th, 2004, 06:06 PM I know of PPF, I was banned there in late 1997 for something my ex-girlfriend did...I never was a big fan of that comic shop, as the owners and managers (and some employees, not all) were jerks, like Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons.
I'm behind on all my comics stuff, hitting nearly a year behind on The Flash. Too bad Iron Man still isn't up to snuff, my favorite character.
Since this went off topic, I'll just throw this in:
I work at two comic book/Iron Man fan sites/e-fanzines, Advanced Iron ( and Invincible Iron Man forums (where I do movie news) (