SiuChung Leung
April 16th, 2009, 06:28 AM
Hi All,
We've been shared a few save the date video and this is the first time we post a love story. We were very lucky to shoot a love story with this couple. They had so much input into their love story and made this video very touching
This video recorded by JVC GY-HD101 with Letus + FD Lens and Canon XHA1
Please feel free to comment on our work!!
S.C. Leung
Paul Mailath
April 16th, 2009, 07:19 AM
I think that was absolutely beautiful, while your couple will be thrilled to see it now and at, or after their wedding - it will still be working it's magic in 10 years time.
It's something I've been thinking about - the chance for a couple to talk about the way they met and how they feel and to step into the future and talk to each other, 2, 5, 10 years down the track - what a gift.
I talked recently to a couple who still whip out the old VHS tape of their wedding on their anniversary and I asked why - "It's nice to remember when we liked each other"
thanks for sharing
Stephen J. Williams
April 16th, 2009, 10:58 AM
Nice work... I think I said this before. You always seem to find the right couples who are fun and entertaining in front of the camera. I'm envious... If only I could land a few.
Travis Cossel
April 16th, 2009, 12:41 PM
Beautiful footage and solid editing; well done. That was a nice idea to have them say something special to each other. The bride's 'speech' was very powerful. It looks like you had them write something ahead of time for that, right?
There were only a few things to critique really. One was that about midway through it felt like it was dragging just a little bit. Honestly I'm sure the couple won't feel that way at all, but perhaps friends and family? Not sure .. maybe I'm just tired from a long night, lol.
During the eating sequence there is a shot of her taking a bite and it strikes me as very unflattering. I would definitely remove that shot. Girls are especially self-conscious of their image, and that shot just does not make her look good .. and it honestly wouldn't take anything away from the edit to lose it I don't think.
You also have a running steadicam shot on the beach that has some visible stuttering. I don't know if you have a better shot or not. If not, it's not a big deal. The couple probably won't really notice. Just try and avoid that stutter in the future .. I know it's really hard to do if you're running with a handheld steadicam device.
I really loved the part where 'the hug turns into a kiss' and the 'kiss turns into a real kiss'. That was magic. Are you pre-scripting some of the interview with the couple? If not, you're were blessed with a great couple for sure!
EDIT: just noticed in the comments on Vimeo that the couple pre-scripted .. so did they basically script out their own interview? The whole thing?
Darren Smith
April 16th, 2009, 05:29 PM
Big fan of SODE - love your work!
Even though it was pre-scripted, which was more noticeable on her part, it still came across as being heartfelt and sincere, the piece just flowed, sure technically there were shots that could have been done better or different, and I think sometimes we lose sight of the fact that it does not always have to be technically perfect, as long as the message is delivered with emotion. The fact that this piece looks so good as well is testament to your abilitites to connect with your clients and produce moments of magic.
SiuChung Leung
April 16th, 2009, 07:00 PM
Paul ,Stephen and Darren: Thanks for your kind words.
Travis: Thank you for your comment. You've provided useful suggestion on our work as usual.
I agreed the steadicam shots on the beach was not very good, but consider the location factors(windy beach), it was the best shots we've got.
The part that how they met each other was pre-scripted by the couple weeks before. The solo interview part was edit from different conversations. The couple already had something to say and we got a bit more out.
We were really blessed with a wonderful couple!
Dylan Tobias
April 20th, 2009, 12:56 PM
This is very professional work and you should have nothing to be concerned about with it at all as far as I am concerned. Well done.
Terry Taravella
April 21st, 2009, 03:04 PM
Amazing work!
Thanks for sharing.
Now I'm filled with inspiration to shoot one of my client's Love Story this Sunday.
I can only hope it's as creative, unique and heartfelt as yours.