Henry Hoyos
April 15th, 2009, 08:36 PM
I'm Henry Hoyos, I'm a film student at Full Sail University and I'm going to be making an independent short film. It's a Big Epic Western but in order to save money we're shooting it "Sin City/300 Style" on the green screen stage. The environments will be inserted in post-production using 3DS Max, Vray and Boujou for 3D Tracking and matchmoving.
The thing I need you're help with is the keying itself. I'm using Keylight, filming with The Canon XL-H1.
The funny thing is I get a nearly perfect key, aside from some edge pixelation, when the shot is keyed into a grey 50% brightness background. However when it's keyed into a brighter or darker background the edges become unusable. When it's a brighter background the edges become too transparent and it looses alot of hair detail. It looks like the edge is being washed out into the background and reduces it's opacity, where as with the grey background it looks perfect except for the pixelation.
In the case of darker backgrounds the edges do something I can't explain very well. It's like theres a black hole in between the edge and the inner matte of the subject. It's weird.
The problem is I plan on having night scenes, dark chiaroscuro interiors, bright washed daylight scenes in the desert, and even silhouetted shots. Probably every environment is going to have differences in contrast which makes me a bit uneasy seeing the current results. If anyone could please help me fix these edge things as well as the pixelated edges and the slight halo in the greys, It wouldn't only be great it would make this film possible.
I've posted some reference pictures here,
Thanks very much.
Henry Hoyos
I'm Henry Hoyos, I'm a film student at Full Sail University and I'm going to be making an independent short film. It's a Big Epic Western but in order to save money we're shooting it "Sin City/300 Style" on the green screen stage. The environments will be inserted in post-production using 3DS Max, Vray and Boujou for 3D Tracking and matchmoving.
The thing I need you're help with is the keying itself. I'm using Keylight, filming with The Canon XL-H1.
The funny thing is I get a nearly perfect key, aside from some edge pixelation, when the shot is keyed into a grey 50% brightness background. However when it's keyed into a brighter or darker background the edges become unusable. When it's a brighter background the edges become too transparent and it looses alot of hair detail. It looks like the edge is being washed out into the background and reduces it's opacity, where as with the grey background it looks perfect except for the pixelation.
In the case of darker backgrounds the edges do something I can't explain very well. It's like theres a black hole in between the edge and the inner matte of the subject. It's weird.
The problem is I plan on having night scenes, dark chiaroscuro interiors, bright washed daylight scenes in the desert, and even silhouetted shots. Probably every environment is going to have differences in contrast which makes me a bit uneasy seeing the current results. If anyone could please help me fix these edge things as well as the pixelated edges and the slight halo in the greys, It wouldn't only be great it would make this film possible.
I've posted some reference pictures here,
Thanks very much.
Henry Hoyos