Matt Buys
April 10th, 2008, 05:29 PM
IMDB says it was transfered from 24p to 35mm. I'm also curious what cameras they used in the film. Anybody have any guesses?
View Full Version : Open Water film shot on...? Matt Buys April 10th, 2008, 05:29 PM IMDB says it was transfered from 24p to 35mm. I'm also curious what cameras they used in the film. Anybody have any guesses? Vito DeFilippo April 10th, 2008, 05:39 PM Well, here on IMDB: it says they used a VX2000 and a PD150. Matt Buys April 10th, 2008, 07:00 PM Thanks, Vito. I think I did not see that because I did not want to believe it. Thirty million from a budget of a 130k. Not bad. I wondered if it showed at sundance before it was blown up to 35mm. Vito DeFilippo April 10th, 2008, 07:55 PM Yeah, I remember when it came out that everyone was going nuts because it was shot on DV. Quite the sacriledge... A classic case of content making format irrelevant. Chris Hurd April 10th, 2008, 08:31 PM Was Open Water shot on minidv?Please search first before posting new topics on DV Info Net... I've merged your post into our gigantic four-year-old Open Water discussion thread. Matt Buys April 10th, 2008, 09:27 PM I just put it on my netflix. I'm purposefully giving myself low expectations so I can enjoy it. I confess I'd never heard of this film until a few days ago when I took my son diving and a couple people on the boat were raving about it. Someone mentioned that in real life they found a camera (waterproof housed) inside a mako shark and that was part of the movie's inspiration. Not a good day at the beach if you ask me. Regardless, I should have known Open Water would have already been dissected here and that my ignorance is not everyone else's ignorance. I apologize. I promise to search from now on . . . no matter how ignorant I am. Matt Buys April 15th, 2008, 09:57 PM Just watched Open Water. If you like diving and/or the ocean and you haven't already seen it I can't imagine you wouldn't enjoy it. DVD extras on shooting Indies was inspiring too. I did notice the inexpensive cams at first but then the movie took off and I was completely in the moment. I can't believe they stormed Hollywood with an ME66, a beachtek, a VX2000 and a PD150. Thumbs up to Lionsgate for buying and promoting this film. |