Jason Pechman
May 14th, 2002, 07:46 PM
Is there any software that is dedicated to making cool titles?
I am currently using cinistream 3.1 and After Effects. I am considering buying some spices from pixelan.com. Help please!
Rob Lohman
May 15th, 2002, 02:10 AM
What do you mean with "cool titles"? You can make some very
"cool" stuff in After Effects, especially when coupled with some
paint program (like Photoshop). Ofcourse there is dedicated
titling software available (mostly for Premiere) like Title Deko.
I doubt they make "cool" titles, but they will do the job for
"normal" titling work.
Gary Bettan
May 15th, 2002, 02:25 AM
Check out Boris Grafitti. It lets you make excellent quality 2D & 3D animated titles. For more info http://www.videoguys.com/graffiti.html
Nathan Gifford
May 16th, 2002, 11:46 AM
Claire Watson, who with her associate Ron Bridegroom, market some CDs on CineStream. Claire webpage has a demo of Ulead Cool3D that shows what this package is capable of in the titling realm.
Check http://www.valleydigitalvideo.dial.pipex.com/claire_page.shtml
Nathan Gifford