View Full Version : Final Answer?

Patrick MCMurray
January 21st, 2004, 02:50 PM
Does any one know of a site that <unbiasedly> compares ALL major bands/ grades of miniDV tape with standardized tests?
you all have lots of experiance, but each thread is slanted one way or another for who ever happens to post. Im not against informed opinions, i just want to see them side by side with all the facts, in a neat little package. maybe im just too lazy to do the research myself... but if someone already has...
i ask because EVERYONE agrees... <thats rare enough, when it happens LISTEN UP!> ...agrees: pick a tape, and stick with it. I just got my gl2, and ive put only 20 min.s or so on it < w/ sony premium>. Still safe to switch? Just want a good tape to be stuck with for the life of my camera!

David Ho
January 21st, 2004, 04:37 PM
I've heard there has been some problems with the wet Sony tapes on Canon products, so ever since I got my GL2, I've been using the DVM63MQ...the super high-quality stuff...about $6-7 a tape! Call me crazy, but its awesome quality and supposed to be less abrasive for the heads!

Frank Granovski
January 21st, 2004, 07:21 PM
Does any one know of a site that <unbiasedly> compares ALL major bands/ grades of miniDV tape with standardized tests?I did come across such a site a few years back, but it's no longer up or I can't find it. Fuji came up on top, followed by Panasonic (don't know which Pana flavour).

Patrick MCMurray
January 22nd, 2004, 10:18 AM
how about price? less important, but still...