Nick Wilson
April 15th, 2009, 02:29 PM
I was just wondering what format broadcasters like these days, for SD and HD, and how you are producing this from FCP?
David W. Jones
April 15th, 2009, 04:38 PM
Contact your local broadcaster and ask for their broadcast spec sheet.
Many have them posted online.
Matt Abramson
April 15th, 2009, 05:08 PM
I produce everything from commercials to promos and PSAs at the Gainesville, FL NBC/CBS/MNT affiliates. At the moment we're still doing everything in SD. That's mainly because we're something like market 167, not positive that's exact. Only thing stopping us is that we don't have the equipment setup to air our HD production, nor move it from edit suite to master control. Most larger markets should have that worked out already.
Sandeep Sajeev
April 16th, 2009, 01:05 PM
Hi there,
We produce content for broadcast (commercials and television) in Asia and most of the networks still ask for DigiBeta masters.
We finish from within FCP usually - off of BlackMagic onto a hired DigiBeta deck, unless we're
onlining on Smoke, in which case we finish from within Smoke.
On the few occassions we're required to deliver HDCAM SR we finish at a post house.
Nick Wilson
April 16th, 2009, 02:30 PM
Thanks guys! David - good call to check the broadcasters' websites - here, ITV and Channel 4 both want DigiBeta though Ch4 say they are evaluating MXF file transfer.
James Brill
April 17th, 2009, 10:52 PM
Most broadcasters will want Digibetas along with DAT tapes to go along with the Digibetas and/or HDCAM SR tapes for HD because of it's ability to have 12 channels of audio making the DAT tapes unnecessary for HD. For Final Cut almost any hardware card will work as long as it has HD/SD SDI and AES/EBU for the DAT tapes. Kona obviously the best but Blackmagic will be just the same if you are only editing to tape.
David W. Jones
April 18th, 2009, 05:24 AM
I have not used DAT tape in many years, and the majority of the broadcast commercials I do are all digital file transfers to TV stations.
Most of the broadcasters I deal with use digital playback servers, so removing tape from the equation saves time & money, and ups the quality.
As far as broadcast specs with the mac, I use an AJA Kona card, and an AJA IO for any input/output and monitoring.
Mitchell Lewis
April 19th, 2009, 11:52 AM
We edit in HD (1920x1080 30p) and then transcode to DV (actually DV-Stream) for distribution to the broadcasters. I wish we could send in something other than DV (ProRes?) but that's what everyone in our market has agreed to. (sigh) We actually distribute DV-stream file as a data file stored on a CD-ROM disc. We're looking at switching to distribution over via the internet soon. That should make things a lot easier on everyone.