View Full Version : UV Filter & the lens cap

David Ho
January 19th, 2004, 11:31 PM
I just got my B+W 58mm MRC filter for the GL2, and there seems to be a weird concern I have. When I put on the filter, I took apart the the hood because it was pretty hard trying to put on the filter when the hood is in the way of your when I put back the lens cap, it gets a little difficult cause I never know whether the lens cap is secured. I have to listen for the "click" sound that it makes when I try to put back on the cap onto the filter with the hood on. I also wonder sometimes if I accidently hit the filter glass using the lens cap, maybe putting it on a wrong way or if its not fully secured and put on...anyone else find this sometimes a problem? I wish they made the lens cap like an external cap extender or something so you could hold the parts where you have to push in the cap to get it hooked on.

Graham Bernard
January 20th, 2004, 12:05 AM
Yup, join the club. The lens cap is very fiddly . . one of the "things" I would like to mention to Mr Canon the next time I'm sitting around the boardroom table. I'd also like to have had a transulcent cap to do Whoiite Balance - used to have this on my ancient analogue Pannie Cammie. Thta was neat! - Oh yes David, have you seen the little click on the reverse side of the Cap? You can use this to clip over the first loop on the side hand/wrist band. Works well and keeps the Cap outta the way . .

Best regards,


David Ho
January 20th, 2004, 12:25 AM
Huh? Little click on the reverse side? Whatcha mean?

Ken Tanaka
January 20th, 2004, 01:50 AM
I think he means little clip.

Graham Bernard
January 20th, 2004, 02:02 AM
Thanks Ken. Me BAd?!?! - yes, David, CLIP . .


David Ho
January 20th, 2004, 02:30 AM
"have you seen the little clip on the reverse side of the Cap? You can use this to clip over the first loop on the side hand/wrist band. Works well and keeps the Cap outta the way . . "

I don't understand... are you talking about the long rectangular piece in the center?

Frank Granovski
January 20th, 2004, 02:33 AM
You could always take your cam to a pro photo shop and go through their box of used lens caps. The older Nikon lens caps have those "clips" that are flush with the rest of the cap, in other words, these clips you press on don't stick out. I've got one for my MX, since the stock cam doesn't quite fit right over the filter inside the hood.

Brian Huey
January 20th, 2004, 04:21 AM
David: Yes, they're talking about the long rectangular piece in the center that's attached at one end. When shooting you can use that piece to clip the lens cap to the hand strap on the side. Then your lense cap doesn't hang down when shooting! A friend showed me this about a year ago and it blows me away that I never realized it. I know run into people all the time with the cap dangling down and spread the little bit of knowledge on to them!
