Mr Ready
January 14th, 2004, 03:39 PM
I have about 450 slides that I need to add to a project that will be outputted to DVD. I will be attempting to use a VX2000 and a lightbox. I have already discovered that I can't zoom in enough and was hoping that someone here may have had success with this in the past. Is there a lens/filter that would mount on the VX2k that would let me get in tight enough. I was hopong to avoid the scanning route.
Thanks for any help.
Sharon Fraats
January 14th, 2004, 05:51 PM
Have you thought of using the Nikon scanner, if it is all possible to rent one or use a friends.
Mike Rehmus
January 14th, 2004, 05:55 PM
Not certain what you mean when you say it won't focus close enough. The PD150 and VX-2000 will focus down to the surface of a UV filter ring on the lens. Probably down to the front lens surface.
At that point, the field of view is just about as wide as a 35mm slide.
The zoom has to be nearly full-wide for this to work. You can zoom in only a little bit.
Use a small aperature to increase the depth of field until the entire slide is in focus. I say this because I doubt that the lens has an entirely flat field of view.
Mr Ready
January 15th, 2004, 02:21 AM
Thanks Mike, I over looked the aperature ajustment and sure enough I can now focus perfectly into the slides. Much appreciated.