Bryan Cady
April 14th, 2009, 02:31 PM
I have a Canon HF10 and I have learned to avoid dealing with interlacing issues for web video, I have to set the Sequence Setting for 1080I/30p video to 720p/30p to avoid interlacing issues. Any chance Final cut updates these so there would be a 1080I/30p setting in the future or do I have have to wait for the next version.
Mike Barber
April 14th, 2009, 04:44 PM
Any chance Final cut updates these so there would be a 1080I/30p setting in the future or do I have have to wait for the next version.
I'm confused by your question. The sequence is either i (interlaced) or p (progressive). Since you are recording HDV, you are working with 1080i footage, correct? What is it you are having issues with?
Regarding your query as to whether Apple updates the Sequence Presets available before a new version is released—no one can say for certain, but chances are very likely that there will not be any kind of update to FCS as we are approaching a new release (the date for which is still TBA).
Bryan Cady
April 14th, 2009, 06:09 PM
I'm sorry to be so confusing.
Earlier, I was having interlacing issues with shooting 1080i/60.
See -
Most of the video I will be working with will be posted on the web so I have this issue.
Now I de-interlaced the video to solve the problem but I was trying to avoid this step. The Canon HF10 can shoot in 1080p/30 which I am shooting. Problem is since there is no setting in the sequence for 1080p/30, the closest setting I can use is 720p/30 to keep from having to deinterlace. For now that will suffice. I get an alert screen saying my sequence is incorrect for my video but I tell FCE to keep it and I don't seem to have interlacing problems.
I was just curious if FCE would update the sequences but as you say, I didn't think they would until they get out their next version.
The whole boring interlace story can be found on this thread.
Mike Barber
April 15th, 2009, 05:24 PM
The Canon HF10 can shoot in 1080p/30 which I am shooting. Problem is since there is no setting in the sequence for 1080p/30, the closest setting I can use is 720p/30 to keep from having to deinterlace.
You can just make your own sequence preset with the settings you need. From the Final Cut Pro menu, go to Audio/Video Settings (Command-Option-Q). Then go to the Sequence Presets tab and select the "DVCPRO HD - 1080p30" preset and press the Duplicate button. Edit the settings to suite your needs (most important to check the pixel aspect ratio and frame size settings, make sure they matches your footage) and rename the new preset to whatever you like.