View Full Version : Who knows about software to record 3 video streams at the same time?

Joep Bannenberg
January 13th, 2004, 09:35 AM

I am working on a low budget feature film, and I want to shoot it on 3 DVX-100’s. Does any one know about software, where I can show the director , whilst shooting, the 3 frames on the screen of a laptop, and also record all 3 of them at the same time ( including their separate sounds ) when the camera’s are running?

The recording is only for continuity purpose, so a low resolution ( both frame and sound ) is fine. And I like the big 17 inch screen on the Mac Powerbook. But I guess a pc is fine too, if there ain’t any software for the Mac.

It should also have the feature that the continuity person can rerun separate takes of individual camera’s, in order to be able to check the sound of each shot as well.


Joep, from Amsterdam

Ed Smith
January 13th, 2004, 09:50 AM
I would look at security products. I know that there are many PCI cards that will except 4 or more cameras, and it comes with the software which allows you to view and record. You would use the composite out from your camera into the computer.

I know that a company called CPC over here in the UK sell them.

Hope this helps,


Rob Lohman
January 13th, 2004, 09:52 AM
That's an excellent suggestion Ed! Joep, it might be more handy
to fill in your location field under user cp (see button above). Then
it is always under your name (look under mine).

Great to see another one from the rainy wetlands!

Ed Smith
January 13th, 2004, 10:04 AM
Heres one for instance although it does not have audio in:



Ron Evans
January 14th, 2004, 06:51 PM
If you have a Canopus Storm or DVRaptor RT2 with Power Tools software there is a capture utility that will record 3 streams at the same time displaying the three images on the PC screen. I have this utility with my DVRaptor RT2 and it works OK. Downside for me is that it does not have batch capture. Each of the three screens have controls for the attached DV device and controls for the PC to set file name and location, record and play etc. Go to the Canopus site ( ) and find out more. I believe the utility needs one of the Canopus cards to be present as one of the DV inputs with the other two DV inputs needing to come from motherboard or add in board.

Ron Evans

Ron Evans
January 14th, 2004, 06:55 PM
Just another thought, if you used JVC DV300REM with MPEG4 bases rather than DVX100's you could view from almost anywhere in the world at the same time and control the cameras remotely!!!

Ron Evans