View Full Version : EVF gone way green :-(

Kai Leibrandt
May 10th, 2002, 02:35 PM
Hi all,

I had a snag happen to me today; I went to a local shop which has the 16x manual lens, and tried it out on my non-s XL-1. Boy do I love that lens. I will get it on monday.
However, I put my 16x IS back on in the shop without checking my camera afterwards. When I got back home I noticed that the red level in the viewfinder (regardless of whether in VCR or camera mode) is _way_ low. This makes everything look really green. Blurgh!

Material that was recorded since then does not show the colour shift on an external monitor, so I thought the EVF might be shot. Funny thing is however that the menu etc is fine (the letters are brilliant white, and not green as you would expect if the LCD in the viewfinder was broken).
Could the manual lens have shot my camera down? The picture was fine (perfect even) when the manual lens was on it...

Any help much appreciated.

PS: Chris, those resolution chart grabs are coming tomorrow due to this...

Chris Hurd
May 10th, 2002, 04:16 PM
Is it an XL1 or XL1S? The S model has a menu setting for adjusting the EVF color and that's probably the culprit.

Kai Leibrandt
May 10th, 2002, 04:36 PM
It's the old, non-s...
