Yang Wen
January 8th, 2004, 07:03 PM
Anyone using Avid XpressDV with the Apple Cinema 23" HD monitor or the Sony PremierPro 23" monitor? I'm debating whether i should get one of these models but I don't know how Avid XpressDV will scale up to a res of 1920x1200. I know that this program is very "picky" when it comes to desktop resolutions.
Rob Lohman
January 9th, 2004, 02:23 PM
You are aware that hooking a Apple Cinema Display to a PC will
*NOT* give you access to the control of the display, right? Those
are controlled through software and Apple is not making the
software for PC. Just so you know.
Glenn Chan
January 9th, 2004, 10:04 PM
Did you consider a dual monitor setup? It gives more screen real estate at a lower price, especially when you are considering 23" LCDs.
23" gives 529 square units of area.
2X20" gives 800 ($2.8k or less)
2X19" gives 722 ($1500)
2X18.1" gives 655
2X17" gives 578 (~$1000)
Screen area isn't directly comparable but assuming 50% efficiency of the second monitor, dual monitors usually come out on top. 2X19" inch LCDs come out on top assuming 50% efficiency of the second monitor (541 units versus 529), while there is a major price difference. Even if you factor in the cost of a dual DVI video card, 2X19" LCDs still come out on top.
I'm not sure how well Avid works with dual monitors but I'm guessing pretty well.
Yang Wen
January 12th, 2004, 12:52 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Rob Lohman : You are aware that hooking a Apple Cinema Display to a PC will
*NOT* give you access to the control of the display, right? Those
are controlled through software and Apple is not making the
software for PC. Just so you know. -->>>
Rob, yes but Nvidia's Detonator driver has display controls in software, even more so than what Apple's software offers. So that is not a problem for me.
Did you consider a dual monitor setup? It gives more screen real estate at a lower price, especially when you are considering 23" LCDs.
Yeah but how is the image quality of these 19"-20" LCDs? I hear that the Apple Cinema HD is second to none in image quality.
Glenn Chan
January 13th, 2004, 06:56 AM
I don't know about the quality of the 23" Apple Cinema display. My guess is that smaller LCDs are just as good. You could try asking on other forums.
Jeff Donald
January 13th, 2004, 07:07 AM
Apple Cinema Display are considered the best, most accurate LCD in production today (at least for under $5000). It is the only LCD certified by SWOP in the color printing industry. The only better CRT monitor is the Sony Artisan. The Artisan is in the same price range as the Apple, but you would need to purchase two to get the extra screen space. The Sony's also have a much larger footprint.
Zac Stein
January 13th, 2004, 07:17 AM
Aren't the Apple displays simple re-badged sony's?
Jeff Donald
January 13th, 2004, 07:52 AM
I don't believe the LCD's are made by Sony, unless a change was made just recently. Apple used Sony (Trintron tubes) for years in their old CRT line of monitors.
Yang Wen
January 13th, 2004, 04:25 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Jeff Donald : Apple Cinema Display are considered the best, most accurate LCD in production today (at least for under $5000). It is the only LCD certified by SWOP in the color printing industry. The only better CRT monitor is the Sony Artisan. The Artisan is in the same price range as the Apple, but you would need to purchase two to get the extra screen space. The Sony's also have a much larger footprint. -->>>
So you saying the Apple Cinema is even more accurate than many of the CRTs out there?
Jeff Donald
January 13th, 2004, 04:52 PM
I would say the only monitor that beats the Apple 23" Cinema Display (in the under $2,000 USD price range) is the Sony Artisan.