View Full Version : Lighting and tape questions?

Troy Lamont
January 7th, 2004, 04:25 PM

So I convinced my fiance to get the HD1 for me for Xmas (I would have opted for the HD10U, but she couldn't see the price difference!).

Anyway, I've enjoyed it so far and I'm still getting used to using it to maximize the video quality. I've gotten a polarizing filter, UV filter and I just order two ND filters.

So my questions are, what type of MiniDV tapes is everyone using? On the spur of the moment I just picked up some standard Sony MiniDV cassettes. I've seen the JVC Pro models and some other manufacturer Pro models and wondered if the difference would be warranted. I've also seen some metal oxide tapes that Circuit City carries.

Also, what type of portable lighting solution would you advise? I've searched different manufacturers and I can't seem to find the one all inclusive lighting tool for my needs. I'm looking for something light, portable and if possible cord-free, which more than likely would mean it would have to be battery powered. Like (;sid=EFiOaXd_MDCOaUiDkL-EYjhydf-UqW43Fbk=?CategoryName=dcc_DIAccessories_DIBatteriesandChargers&ProductSKU=NPF750&Dept=dcc) this one from Sony.

I also read into using a diffuser so the subject faces won't be blown out but I don't think that Sony model offers any diffuser options. I sent an email to Cool-Lux to see what they recommended and have also toyed with some Bescor options.

I love the camera, it definitely brings a lot of attention! I used it in Vegas for New Years and I got some 'Girls Gone Wild' footage to boot! :)

Anyway, look forward to any recommendations and thanks for the forum.


Heath McKnight
January 7th, 2004, 05:02 PM
The best place to ask about tape stock, since any mini-dv tape will do, is to check out our new tape forum, The Long Black Line. ( I've moved this to the tape board; as for lighting, post up your question at thePhoton Management ( board.


Troy Lamont
January 8th, 2004, 10:59 AM

Both of those questions were specific to the HD1/HD10. I wanted experience from those users based on their experience.

I already know a lot about MiniDV tapes as I've been using various kinds for over 5 years from stock to Pro. I was more curious as to what the HDV users were using.

The same for lighting.

If this forum is like the multitude of others that I browse, most users stick to a few areas and don't usually cross-post. I may not find the answers I want in those other areas from the users I'm interested in.



Heath McKnight
January 8th, 2004, 11:47 AM
Information at JVC's Pro site indicates that any mini-dv tape stock works. I believe most of us are using Sony mini-dv. I tried JVC mini-dv in August 2002 on two XL-1 cameras and it was an unmitigated DISASTER! None of the audio would sync up right or anything! Stick with Sony, maybe Fuji as well.

As for lighting, it's the same as SD and HD lighting. Try posting the question in Photon Management. Also, there is a link from the HD10 and HD1 page to here, so many will see your post.
