View Full Version : Different take on "Poor Man's Copyright"?

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Paul Tauger
January 11th, 2004, 04:23 PM
Doug, for what it's worth, you might not only have a copyright claim against, but you may have a Lanham Act claim as well. I hope you nail 'em. Good luck!

Mike Rehmus
January 11th, 2004, 07:27 PM
<<<-- Originally posted by Douglas Spotted Eagle :
Oh how I long for the days when a record like Dark Side of the Moon can be on the charts for decades instead of the days when a Britney Spears tune is the biggest thing in the world for a couple weeks.
:>-) -->>>

Wait, you are telling me that Dark Side of the Moon isn't on the charts anymore? I gotta trash my CD?

Rob Lohman
January 12th, 2004, 04:28 AM
Well I may have finally found a lead howto register copyright
(called auteursrecht) here in Holland. It looks like you need to
send the script to the national tax service (why are they doing
this anyway? Oh well) and it gets recorded in their "books" and
you'll get a sticker on the script which then gets send back to you.

They are talking about "assets" the whole time and talking a lot
about contracts in the examples, so it is not 100% sure it works
for scripts, but I think it might.

I'll have to phone them up some time and see what is going on.

If anyone else from The Netherlands wants to know more I found
a brochure (dutch only) through google (nowhere to be find
through the site itself, nice) that talks a bit about what it is and
which offices you can go to to get the stuff registered. The
document (in PDF) can be found here (

Ed Smith
January 13th, 2004, 10:49 AM
For all those interested from the UK. You should probably register with these guys

