View Full Version : Is dvinfo search not working properly?

Ayosha Kononenko
January 5th, 2004, 08:36 AM
While I was writing in another thread I tried to search for an article I read some days before. All I had was a file name, pubimage5.jpeg, which was a part of an URL posted. No hits.
So now I found another recent article with an URL posted in this thread
one article had this URL

To prove that your search engine does not search properly I entered
"*EIYZP*" as a unique search term, all furums all post.
I got no hits.
When I enter "grabs" as a search term the thread was found.

Maybe your search engine cannot search posted URLs as text. That feature would be most welcome in discussions as it would be easier to find other article based on names of downloaded files.
Or maybe it is only an unwanted bug.
Or maybe I don't know how to use your search engine.
Can you reproduce my test?

Best regards

Rob Lohman
January 5th, 2004, 08:46 AM
To the best of my knowledge the search engine will not index
URL's at this moment. I'm not sure what the exact reason for
this is. We will take a look into this.

Chris Hurd
January 5th, 2004, 09:17 AM
The issue has been noted -- our forum software will be upgraded to a newer version shortly. I agree that url strings should be searchable, and we'll look for a way to incorporate that feature very soon. Thanks for bringing some attention to this matter,

Rob Lohman
January 5th, 2004, 09:35 AM
I just had a small chat on how it works and there is an indexer
running that collects words in the posts that are smaller than
50 characters in length. The URL you presented already fails
on that. It might also be that it drops it as a word since it
contains "illegal" (for words) characters. It certainly something
we are interested in and will keep you posted if we discover
new things or if a software upgrade is available.