View Full Version : DM-XL1s?

Eelco De Vries
January 5th, 2004, 01:39 AM

After many hours browsing the Internet reading many reviews to figuring out what the camera suits me best, I'm about to purchase my Canon XL1s. :)
Actually I want to purchase it along with a Canon EOS 10D and some adaptor and lenses. (Seems to be a magical match)

However, during my quest I ran into some sites where they sell a Canon DM-XL1s ??? I can't find the difference from the 'normal' XL1s found at the Canon site. (or I've seem to have missed it)
Is it an XL1s flavour, newer or stripped product?
Anybody got an idea on this? (I wasn't able to find it in the forum either)


Ed Smith
January 5th, 2004, 03:35 AM
THey are both the same - no difference.

Rob Lohman
January 5th, 2004, 06:28 AM
The DM-XL1S *should* be the PAL version of the camera if I'm
not mistaken! ALSO, if a (re)seller is that unclear about what it
is selling (especially for such a costly product) then I would think
twice about buying there. Please consider our board sponsors (
to get a good price *and* service while supporting this site.

Eelco De Vries
January 5th, 2004, 10:13 AM
I sure want to keep this in mind since PAL is the only system supported here in Malaysia and in my home-country Holland.

But now I just noticed that the XL2 release is expected around feb/march 2004, so if the price isn't that much higher, I might just wait for this one.

I'm quite new in the movie camera world and here as customer, you have to know your thing or else you'll leave the shop with only the body for the full kit price.
So I keep a big list of things to mind when I walk into the camera-shops (and it just got longer).

Though I would like to help the DVI community, I'm still a bit reluctant to make an Internet order when it comes to this kinda pricy purchase. I prefer to see the person face-to-face when I'll hand over my hard earned $3500. So I'll probably locate an authorise Canon dealer near me when I made my final decision.

Thanks for the info and quick response.

Jean-Philippe Archibald
January 5th, 2004, 10:32 AM
Just to clarify, there is nothing official about the release of an hypothetic XL2, only rumors about an announcement at NAB 2004 (which is scheduled for April 17-22). And an announcement doesn't necessarily reflect as an immediate availability of the product.

IMO, the next prosummer camcorder from Canon should not come to us until summer this year.

Jeff Donald
January 5th, 2004, 10:35 AM
But now I just noticed that the XL2 release is expected around feb/march 2004
This date is purely fictional and Canon has not officially or unofficially announced any replacement for the XL1s, let alone a shipping date. The soonest the camera might be announced (not shipping) would be PMA convention in mid February. It more likely would be announced (again, not shipping) at NAB in late April.

When the XL1s was announced several years ago it was 5 or 6 months before the camera started shipping in sufficient volume that dealers had more than one in stock. Supplies were extremely limited the first few months.

Eelco De Vries
January 5th, 2004, 10:12 PM
I know ...... I worded it incorrect:
_I_ am expecting the release date to be in feb/march 2004.
I got this speculation from Canon Malaysia. Called them when I found out about the XL2.
They are most likely not aware of NAB 2004 (neither was I) because the event is in US and we are Canon-asia region. (Motto here: "Do and know enough to make it till punch-out time")

I might be going off topic here, but I can't help but wondering how much the retail price would be for the XL2 on release date. Any speculations on this? And how long would it take for that price to drop?

I can remember the release of XL1 when I was still in Holland and the cam was too expensive for me. If I'm not mistaken it was around NLG 15000 (converted with current USD currency = $7000-$8000). But kept my eye on it ever since.
Now that the price is right for me, they are about to discontinue the current product.
Shall I just buy the XL1 despite the upcoming XL2 before they discontinue the XL1? (resellers here don't have stock on this product)
Or shall I wait hoping XL2 will still be within my budget? (depending on the kit accessories)

Because I'm a rookie with camcorders, I might not even miss the added/enhanced features. Besides my baby-girl (8 months old) is growing up quickly now and I still don't have any footage of her.
However, I'm known to want _only_ quality and usually wont go for second-best. So I am afraid I just might miss them and regret my XL1s purchase.
You see my dilemma?

Some advice would be highly appreciated.

Jeff Donald
January 5th, 2004, 10:31 PM
Unless the camera goes in a new direction (16:9, HD of some type, 24p frame rate etc.) I would expect it to be near the price of the present XL1s. If new features are introduced, expect the price to go up. By how much is anyone's guess.

Aaron Koolen
January 5th, 2004, 11:04 PM
Most people tend to agree that the price will be in the same bracket as similar cameras like the Panasonic DVX100 as the intended market will probably be the same. As Jeff said unless they go all mental and release some crazy super cam.....

Eelco, everything is speculation, and of course we all expect and are probably correct in assuming they'll release a new camera *sometime* this year but how important is it to capture your daughter on tape? Is it really worth waiting?

If you would kill yourself if a new Canon camera comes out in the next 5 months or so with the same price, then wait but you might be waiting longer than that. Alternatively, buy a cheap camera for a few hundred, get footage of your daughter on that and save and prepare for the new Canon.

While I really want a camera with at least reproducable focus pulls (I have an XM2 which can't do that) I'm gonna wait for Canon's new camera as I don't *really* need it right now. If that's a year away, so be it. If in the mean time I actually get some work in this field and *need* to upgrade, I will.


Eelco De Vries
January 7th, 2004, 01:54 AM
Aaron,... you're right. I can't let these pressious moments of my daughter growning up go by while waiting for the XL2 utnil how long.

Thanks again.