View Full Version : Animation with GL2

Chris Kirby
January 4th, 2004, 04:38 PM
Is there a simple way to do traditional animation with the GL2? By simple I mean automated. Anyone have any experiences with this that they can share?

I can grab single frames, but it's so manually intensive (using Vegas) that all my time is spent dealing with the camera and files. Anyone know/use a piece of software that will grab a single fram capture every X seconds, and then name them without intervention?

Graham Bernard
January 5th, 2004, 02:31 AM
Let me put my thinking cap on . . When you connnect your XM2 through the f/w to your pc, MS gets busy with its GUI driver set. If you go to MS Explorer you will find along with your Drives and other stuff showing you will see the, in my case the, "Generic Camera". Now, click on this and up will pop ther GUI interface, basically, to the fromnt of your camera's lens. You can take direct single pics directly onto your pc hard drive. Is this any good?

You may not like this as it would mean setting up your camera with a long lead to your pc . . .

Okay another idea . .Vegas.

You can setup markers a predetermined time spaces. If you shoot your single shots say 4 secs, use a script that will place a marker every 4 secs and use another script to "extract" a still from those makers positions . . . OR you could use the extract still every 4 seconds. In terms of naming the separate still files you do get an option to create a named and then auto numbered sequence - that's fairly neat eh?

So, bring into Vegas your footage; use script to extract stills every predetermined time sequence; save stills in a named way to a file/folde/media bin; . . .. . think I've got it . .. putting bluntly using the ExtractStills script will make your job a lot easier . . yup that's it - I think it could be called [something]ImageSequence.js

You should get to know Vegas Scripting . . I have . . I aint no programmer .. but the various scripts make our work in Vegas soooo much easier . . . go see . . .

ANy good?
