View Full Version : mocha and cfhd

Idar Lettrem
April 13th, 2009, 07:52 AM
It seems to me that Mocha for ae cs4 (win) won't import cfhd files ( 1440x1080). Is it me doing something wrong here or ...?

Rob Read
April 13th, 2009, 09:23 AM
I too have problems with CFHD and Mocha for AE (CS4). Last time I tried, I only saw white. As such, I haven't tinkered with it much.

David Newman
April 13th, 2009, 11:15 AM
What importer are you using? The beta or the one in Neo Scene or neither (i.e. VfW)?

Rob Read
April 13th, 2009, 11:33 AM
I have Neo Scene v1.20 Build 112 installed. I have other issues with CS4, Sony DVDA and Windows Explorer too. I have opened a support ticket already about this all.

Idar Lettrem
April 13th, 2009, 01:34 PM
What importer do You mean ?
Mocha enables you to import a variety of files - I should anticipate same possibilities as for AE itself .... but my cineform sfw is Prospect HD if that's what you asking for ??

In mocha :
Native ex1 (1080 p) imports ok, same with cfhd 1080p BUT 1440x1080 cfhd faults with " failed to open the movie file, check that the file is readable"

(btw : still unable to run hdlink as standalone but prospect works ok inside ppro)

David Newman
April 13th, 2009, 01:46 PM
If 1920x1080 works and 1440x1080 doesn't, that is someone support issue (Mocha, AE or CineForm?), but it is not a forum question.

Idar Lettrem
April 13th, 2009, 02:57 PM
.. that is someone support issue (Mocha, AE or CineForm?), but it is not a forum question.

Sorry - didn't know restrictions applies to what relevance questions should have here ( could you please direct me to a listing of such terms) , but I will ask the folks over at the AE forum on this.

Jay Bloomfield
April 13th, 2009, 07:45 PM
If 1920x1080 works and 1440x1080 doesn't, that is someone support issue (Mocha, AE or CineForm?), but it is not a forum question.

I'm running Mocha 2.0 Soho (The AE CS4 version) and with the beta Cineform importer, it works fine with both sizes of CFHD avi files. The preview is slow, but what else is new?

That aside, I've been getting a few crashes on start up with Premiere CS4. The event type is BEX, with the faulting module being "CFHD.DLL_unloaded", which makes no sense to me, since isn't that the VFW codec? I checked the plugin logs from Premiere and the beta CF importers (both AVI and MOV) are being loaded without a problem. No big deal, but I thought that you might want to know this.

David Newman
April 13th, 2009, 07:56 PM
Interesting, CS4 is an odd beast as it seems to use both components. AE uses the VFW codec for thumbnails both everything else uses the new importer -- weird.