View Full Version : Frame Mode vs Deinterlace

Joe Pitz
January 1st, 2004, 08:21 PM
Hi All, Have been lurking for a while absorbing all of the good information on this site. I bought an XL1s a few months back and have been trying out many of the tips learned on this site.

I have a question:

1) Resolution of Frame vs Deinterlaced 60i

I have shot both Frame mode and 60i, run the 60i through several deinterlacers (ReelSmart Fieldskit & DV Film) I have tried several of the blend and motion parameters with ReelSmart)

I take single frame clips from all three (Frame, DVFilm, RealSmart) and export them to Photoshop 7.0 and zoom to 200%.

Frame mode clips are the sharpest over the deinterlaced ones.

I would rather shoot one format, regardless of where my final product is going (Broadcast 60i or web based) My question is: Is this loss of quality after deinterlace normal? And if I shoot in Frame mode and want to take to broadcast 60i, will this loss of quality show up, upon re-interlace, when broadcasted in 60i. (I do understand that Canon Frame mode is really interlace with fields recorded at the same time).

Thanks for all of the help, everyone is so helpful

Barry Green
January 1st, 2004, 09:47 PM
The loss you're experiencing is normal. Frame Mode is lower resolution than regular interlaced video, but not as low as de-interlaced video.

Frame mode is recorded on tape as 60i, so there will be no further loss, no re-interlacing -- it's already done for you. So if you like the look you're getting with frame mode, use it! :)

Joe Pitz
January 1st, 2004, 10:10 PM
Thanks Barry for the quick reply.