Riley Florence
January 1st, 2004, 01:41 PM
Hi, i was wondering how you achieve the quicktime "Click to start" thing. All of apples own quicktime files do this as well as the Lady X films
i was just wondering how you do that. thanks
Riley Florence
January 1st, 2004, 02:28 PM
ok so i think i have figured it out, but now i have another problem. It works in internet explorer but in safari when you click to play it crashes safari. if you wanna take a look heres the link, maybe you can tell me what i did wrong.
John Locke
January 1st, 2004, 08:42 PM
Here's your source code:
<EMBED WIDTH="320" HEIGHT="190" CONTROLLER="FALSE" SRC="movies/florencechristmas.jpg" HREF="florencechristmas.mp4" type="video/quicktime" TARGET="myself" BGCOLOR="#000000" BORDER="0" PLUGINSPAGE=""></EMBED>
and here's the code we use on the Lady X series:
<EMBED align="top" SRC="" WIDTH=320 HEIGHT=196 AUTOPLAY=false CONTROLLER=false LOOP=false HREF="" TARGET="myself" PLUGINSPAGE=""></EMBED>
The biggest difference I can see is that you're using a JPEG file as your poster. We use a one-frame Quicktime movie as our poster image. All you have to do is make it in Photoshop, save it as a PSD file, then export it as a Quicktime movie, using the -postr suffix to distinguish it from the real movie.
Don't forget to add 16 pixels height for your Quicktime controller. You have it set for 190 which is why the controller doesn't completely appear.
Give that a try.