View Full Version : RealTime FX Cards for Avid and PPRO???

Tony Pham
December 25th, 2003, 09:35 PM
Hi everyone,

I am building a computer just for editing purposes. I am using borth Avid Xpress Pro and Premiere Pro. And i am looking for a real time effects card that can support both applications. So far, i've noticed Canopus DVStorm2, Matrox RTX100, and Avid Mojo. I am still wondering which one of those 3 support realtime on both Premiere Pro AND Avid Xpress Pro? Please Advice. Thanks.

Gary Bettan
December 26th, 2003, 02:11 PM
NONE. The Storm and RTX100 are Premeire Pro real-time cards. Mojo is for Xpress pro only.

All three are excellent choices.


Tony Pham
December 26th, 2003, 08:44 PM
Thanks alot Gary! That clears things up for me. Thanks again.

I have one more question though, which one is better, the Storm or Matrox RTX100? Let say we have 2 systems that have the same power, which one of those 2 cards we can put more layers and effects and still get the real time preview? Thanks.