View Full Version : Please help ...another blown firewire port

Paul Swires
December 23rd, 2003, 03:05 PM

I posted a week or so ago for help regarding firewire ports I had blown on my Sony VX2000 and PD-150 cameras whilst capturing using Premier. A few posts suggested I get new firewire cables as well as take extra precaution when plugging and unplugging firewire cables when the PC was on.
After doing all this and buying another small JVC mini DV camcorder just for capturing ( I had no option as my other 2 cameras ports were blown ) I have succeeeded in blowing the port of the new JVC as well.

I am desperately seeking assistance as to what could be the problem. B/t/w I have been using a Gigabyte motherboard with built in firewire for capturing. Does anyone think perhaps this is what has been causing the problems and that I should rather use an external firewire capture board rather than one built in on a Gigabyte motherboard.

At this stage I am prepared to take any advice and am truly stumped .... needless to say at my wits end.

Many thanks.



Peter Jefferson
December 23rd, 2003, 10:14 PM
now this is wierd....

i have 3 cameras (all Pana) and ALWAYS plug them in when the PCs are on...

now all these units are still working fine (knock on wood) .

One machine is runnig a 1394 PCI card while teh main unit is actually inbuilt 1394 with no PCI card... the boards area ABit (it7 max 2) and the old one is a p2 (abit bx2)

i think its probably the cabling or the power management of the mobo...

Steve Withers
December 23rd, 2003, 10:35 PM
Indeed, the problem is obviously with your computer. Have you had any past problems concerning power?

I'd look into getting a PCI capture card.

Paul Swires
December 24th, 2003, 07:36 AM
Hi guys

We "may" have found the problem with all my blown firewire ports. Here in South Africa we use 220volts a/c power. Upon inspection we today found that the "live" and "neutral" of the 3 pin power plug had been swapped around on the extension cable we were using to power the PC. This resulted in a huge potential difference across the points when it should have had none. Although the power was fine to actually power the PC and peripherals, it "may" we think be our problem. Will keep you all posted and thanks for those who offered their 2c worth.