Daniel Moloko
December 21st, 2003, 10:08 AM
hello there!!!
i have a trv18, just like Agus.
ive made some footage with the agus35, i did one exactly like the pic he put on the web.
and yeah, everything went out okey, just like the first exemple (the video of his father) he upload to the forum.
except the my footage has more vignette (? the spolight of the image and the black around it ?)
maybe its the distance from the 35mm lens and the ground glass. i will check it out (i just did it yesterday my first try)
anyway. but i found something really nice.
when i was pulling the 35mm lens from the PHOTOGRAFIC CAM (nikon), i just looked inside the cam.
i think its possible to make a 35minidv adaptor with the same GLASSES and LENS that we have on those usual photo cams.
i will try to make a black rubber box, with the lens adaptors connectors (the camcorder and 35m),and inside this box well
have all the glasses and lens we have on the photo cams.
the question is, maybe i have to re-size the glasses, re-made based on the photocam model?
or maybe isnt necessery, i just have to go downtown, to a used photo cams store, vampirize some cameras, get the glasses
and the lens from it, adapt it to the box and have fun?
what do you people think about it?
would we get the same 35mm image project inside the black box? is it possible?
hello there!!!
i have a trv18, just like Agus.
ive made some footage with the agus35, i did one exactly like the pic he put on the web.
and yeah, everything went out okey, just like the first exemple (the video of his father) he upload to the forum.
except the my footage has more vignette (? the spolight of the image and the black around it ?)
maybe its the distance from the 35mm lens and the ground glass. i will check it out (i just did it yesterday my first try)
anyway. but i found something really nice.
when i was pulling the 35mm lens from the PHOTOGRAFIC CAM (nikon), i just looked inside the cam.
i think its possible to make a 35minidv adaptor with the same GLASSES and LENS that we have on those usual photo cams.
i will try to make a black rubber box, with the lens adaptors connectors (the camcorder and 35m),and inside this box well
have all the glasses and lens we have on the photo cams.
the question is, maybe i have to re-size the glasses, re-made based on the photocam model?
or maybe isnt necessery, i just have to go downtown, to a used photo cams store, vampirize some cameras, get the glasses
and the lens from it, adapt it to the box and have fun?
what do you people think about it?
would we get the same 35mm image project inside the black box? is it possible?