View Full Version : SONY Digital Juice Promotion

Chris Long
December 18th, 2003, 12:31 PM
Hi All
When I got my PDX-10, I saw that they had an offer for a free volume of Digital Juice backgrounds. So, about 2 months ago, I sent the necessary paperwork off to the Sony department handling the promotion. I haven't heard anything back yet. I tried calling the number on the webpage to check on its progress, but it's now disconnected.

Has anyone had problems getting this promotion fulfilled? Just curious--I know it can take time, but my LCD hood came pretty quickly, and they were sent out at the same time. Different addresses, but still, it's a rough guide for responsiveness..

Let me know what your experiences have been!


Rob Wilson
December 18th, 2003, 01:06 PM

Same situation here except I purchased a DSR45 Deck. Same promotion, filled out both the online info and sent the requested UPC/info and not a single thing back. I was just considering following up but now that the phone number is disconnected, not sure how to do that. Bummer!!!

Michael Middleton
December 18th, 2003, 01:37 PM
I got mine (back sometime after March) without incedent. My only problem was that the DJ promotion required the original UPC, and when I later found out about the LCD Hood offer, which also required the original UPC, I no longer had it and therefore missed out on that opportunity.


Chris Long
December 18th, 2003, 03:16 PM
Michael, I had the same problem regarding the UPC needing to be in two places at once, but I ended up calling them and was assured that a scan of the serial number from the bottom of the camera would suffice. So that's what I sent off. Hope that doesn't nix the deal for me, by falling into the InBox of someone who doesn't know that it was allowed. We'll see.

Rob, since you sent the real UPC to them, I have to take some comfort from the fact you haven't heard anything either--must be that they're backed up, and not that they don't like my entry.

It was a fairly expensive thing to give away free--hopefully the demand didn't give them second thoughts about fulfilling it...

Thanks for the replies! Let's keep each other posted--if you get something, let us know!

Alan Herr
December 18th, 2003, 04:19 PM
I got my digital juice and the hood. Hood came first. Dig Juice took awhile - like 2.5 months. I 2nd what Chris said on the duplication process. That is what I did.

Rick Bravo
December 18th, 2003, 10:30 PM
This is one of those "fire and forget" type of situations. I had completely forgotten that I had even mailed the thing in when, lo and behold, it arrived in the mail...almost 4 months later!

Be patient, these things never happen quickly.


Jeff Farris
December 18th, 2003, 11:47 PM
Got my DJ package after about 8 weeks (mailed in August received in October), but didn't know about the LCD hood. Any details on that?

Chris Long
December 19th, 2003, 10:42 AM
Jeff, the offer was through the end of October. They hid it fairly well--I know I would never have heard about it if someone on this board hadn't tipped me off. It was for a Petrol hood, kind of generic--nice to have, though--that usually sells for about $20.

Here's the website:

I poked around the site, and though they haven't changed the verbiage on the page yet, it seems they have extended the Hood offer! I found this description at :

"Sony- DVCAM Promotion- November 1, 2003 through March 31, 2004, purchase a DSR-PDX10 and receive a Free hood; purchase a DSR-570WSL and receive a Free camcorder raincoat; or purchase a DXC-D50H/DXC-D50l/DXC-D50WSL and receive a hard carrying case for Free."

I'd give them a call at 1-888-675-6646 to find out details--but the Sony website has the entry form and everything, so I think it's for real! Good news to all new PDX-10 owners!

Michael Kronmal
December 19th, 2003, 11:44 AM
I tried to do the hood promotion and the serial number was rejected. I called them up and they determined that my serial number was outside of the range they had as valid. I guess J&R really turns there stock fast! They were able to immediately (as in no delay) extend the range and accept my submission.

Very cool

Chris Long
December 19th, 2003, 12:52 PM
The exact same thing happened to me when I applied online back in October! Makes me wonder how many of these things they're selling, or whether they're not thinking when writing the parameters for the serial numbers.

Good deal!

Boyd Ostroff
December 19th, 2003, 08:26 PM
I got my hood long ago, and it's very nice. You will need some origami skills to put it together however as there were absolutely no instructions enclosed.

It works very nicely and made using the LCD quite feasible in bright sun at the beach. However it completely blocks off all those buttons on the side of the camera that are under the LCD screen, which can be a bit of a problem...

Rob Wilson
January 7th, 2004, 02:37 PM
Did some additional digging and found that in my case, they had a P.O. Box and couldn't ship to it.

Turns out that Sony hired out the responisbility for this promotion to a company called IMG. For others that want to check, here are some points of Contact:

IMG - Michelle 201-327-0974

Digital Juice - Lislie Woodruff 800-525-2003 ext 203

Both were remarkably helpful and it looks like my copy is shipping today!

Patrick Grealy
January 8th, 2004, 12:23 PM
I would be ineterested in buying a hood but they don;t seem to be readily available in Europe?

Any ideas?

Patrick Grealy
January 8th, 2004, 12:25 PM
I would be ineterested in buying a hood but they don;t seem to be readily available in Europe?

Any ideas?

Thanks P

Shawn Mielke
January 8th, 2004, 01:01 PM
While we're here, has anyone seen a 3.5" hood that extends outward on all of it's sides, like a rectangular cylinder kind of thing? I'm wanting to block sun, yes, but I'm also wanting to make my LCD into a more proper View Finder, one that directs my vision in a more consistent manner...


Chris Long
February 15th, 2004, 02:24 PM
Well, it's been more than a full six (6) months, and my Digital Juice backgrounds have not arrived yet. I suppose they never will, but I'll give the whole thing one more try this week. I'll see if I can get an answer from someone at IMG.

And if I never get it, I just bet their grapes were sour, anyway.
So there. ;^)

Rob Wilson
February 15th, 2004, 03:45 PM

Don't give up, took a couple of calls on my part but did receive the product a few weeks ago. Now I'm buying others on Ebay!

Chris Long
February 16th, 2004, 04:57 PM
Life is so funny. Or at least mine is.

So it's been six months, I called both the Digital Juice folks and the IMG people this morning and left messages wondering what might be up with my JumpBacks. Never got to speak with anyone.

Then we went out for a long walk along the Potomac in the snow--it was a beautiful, clear, cold day. Then we came home.

The JumpBacks package was sitting on my porch. I had to laugh.

Thanks for the help, everyone. In the immortal words of Geoffrey Chaucer: "Patience is a high virtue"


By the way--the number for Digital Juice is slightly different than that posted earlier. It's 800-525-2203.