Joel Corral
December 16th, 2003, 11:22 PM
i have a new gl2. i have the oportunity to trade it for a hardly used (under 15 hours) XL1 with extras. does anyone think it is a fair trade. what would i gain and what would i lose. i know that the xl1 is older model but is the image just as good as the xl1s or the gl2? i know that the xl1 is alot more hevy than the gl2 but i dont really care about the weight difference.
please help
Ken Tanaka
December 16th, 2003, 11:43 PM
Stick with the GL2. If it was a trade for an XL1s, and you really needed the benefits of that platform my opinion would be different.
Joel, please take the following suggestion in the contructive manner in which I offer it. It's my impression, admittedly from afar and only from your posts, that you've spent a tremendous amount of energy worrying about whether or not you have the "right" camera. Consider refocusing from trading, selling or bartering the GL2 and devote your energy to learning how to use the camera well. Back away from video boards (like this one) for a while, which can sometimes fuel this consumerist uncertainty. Just start shooting and reviewing your shots. The GL2 is an excellent camera. I guarantee you will find such experience far more rewarding.
Joel Corral
December 17th, 2003, 12:26 AM
thanks for your input. ya i am concerned about my purchase of the gl2. and your right i do indeed need to learn how to shoot it. i just sometimes feel that the gl2's picture quality is sub par compared to the xl1(s). i feel i should have forked out the extra "G" for the xl1(s).
Ken Tanaka
December 17th, 2003, 12:51 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Joel Corral : i just sometimes feel that the gl2's picture quality is sub par compared to the xl1(s). -->>>
As an owner of both cameras, and former owner of an XL1, I can assure you that you're primarily mistaken. Lensing options aside, the skills of the photographer make far, far more difference than the model of camera in the end product. Unconvinced? Watch some of our Lady X Films episodes (without first looking at the cameras the producers used) as an example.
Joel Corral
December 17th, 2003, 09:38 PM
thanks ill do that. and get back to you. thanks again.
Joel Corral
December 18th, 2003, 04:48 PM
i guess i'd better stick with the gl2 then. i saw the lady x films and the gl2 was just as good as any other camera used to shoot those indi. although those films arent in full res. but i think i get the point here.
Dylan Couper
December 18th, 2003, 06:27 PM
Joel, spend the $1000 you saved by not buying an XL1s on a light kit. No one will care what you shoot on.
Michael Dalton
December 18th, 2003, 07:08 PM
I took both an Xl1s and a Gl2 to shoot in Africa, and i found myself using the Gl2 alot more for wildlife because it had that little extra push that I need. It was all a little more portable which made me happy.
That being said, I lugged both to the top of Kilimanjaro, and used the Xl1s most of the time with the 3x lens. The lens options make the Xl1 better, but do you really need it?