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Lorinda Norton
April 11th, 2009, 01:27 AM
It's been over a week--are any of you shooting yet? :)

Andris Krastins
April 11th, 2009, 03:58 AM
I'm not. :(

I with a lot of friends am currently neck deep in preparing to shoot a tragicomical post-apocalypse short film. It has more than 20 actors and extras and my head is going crazy. We'll be shooting in the 18th and 19th of April.

I will try to shoot something for DVC after that, or possibly we'll shoot something in the night between 18th and 19th. The core team will be camping out at the location, so we may use it for DVC too.

Robert Martens
April 11th, 2009, 05:44 AM
Haven't started shooting, but it's going extremely well. I've been up all night trying to stage this damn script--my sleep schedule has been destroyed every single time I've participated in a DVC, without exception--only to have a revelation about half an hour ago that drastically simplified everything; that being my remembering something I learned from Dave Trottier's Screenwriter's Bible, to start every scene as close to the end of the scene as possible. Made the blocking a snap, the dialog more varied and interesting, shortened the runtime to a nice, manageable number, cured all sorts of problems at the same time (a sign you're on the right track, according to said book, which I've found to be reliable). I'm thinking of posting a zip of the various versions of the script once the competition is said and done. I'm not the only one curious to see how these ideas develop through revisions, am I?

This is my most ambitious plan to date, and it's all coming together with suspicious providence. I even managed to avoid jury duty; did my phone message standby thing for a week, never got called, and I'm off the hook 'til 2015, so April is still on track to become a month of Martens movie making miracles. Or mayhem. These things are a little of both, as we all well know.

Lorinda Norton
April 11th, 2009, 07:50 AM
Ambitious is right--for both of you! Wow.

Robert, thanks for the early morning entertainment and education. I am wanting to know more about starting every scene as close to the end of the scene as possible. For me that's a little much for pre-coffee analysis but it's interesting.

I even managed to avoid jury duty;Ha ha! Let's hope the providence continues...

Andrew Cohen
April 11th, 2009, 12:36 PM
well i've decided to stop doing this due to the lack of actors/actresses and the ones i do have aren't very committed at all. Pffff

Chris Barcellos
April 11th, 2009, 12:38 PM
Tax time,,, After 15th....

Robert Martens
April 11th, 2009, 04:24 PM
I am wanting to know more about starting every scene as close to the end of the scene as possible. For me that's a little much for pre-coffee analysis but it's interesting.

I'd have to dig through the book to be sure, but I don't think there's much more to it than that. There was some sort of explanation, given far better than I ever could, but I can't recall it at the moment. The example I'd give is the scene I was working on; without giving anything away, the character in question enters a room, looks around, and goes to work doing something. Prior drafts had him going through the whole process, dragging things out longer than they needed to be. Once I remembered that writing tip I lopped off everything at the start. The scene now opens with the character doing what he's there to do, avoiding the (comparatively) slow, plodding exploration at the start. The editing convention of using a cut to go from the end of one shot at one point in time to the beginning of another some time later is as old as editing itself, so it's no problem to lose as much of the scene as I need to.

The whole thing has tightened up, it's much snappier now. Simpler production in the form of fewer setups, and the benefit of faster storytelling. Faster isn't what everyone wants all of the time, no, but in my case I wanted to get to the point and be done with it. I get antsy watching other peoples' rambling stories on Youtube too, I don't want to put my viewers through the same thing.

If I may be a cheap shill for a moment, I'd highly recommend the book, it's available on Amazon ( Got it unexpected as a birthday gift a couple years ago, and it's improved my writing tremendously. Clears up the whole process, it all makes much more sense now.

Lorinda Norton
April 11th, 2009, 10:56 PM
That book looks pretty good, Robert. Thanks for the link. :)

well i've decided to stop doing this due to the lack of actors/actresses and the ones i do have aren't very committed at all. Pffff
Been there, Andrew! It can be discouraging, all right, but sometimes the story doesn't hit people right, they just aren't motivated in general--there are all kinds of reasons that can turn around with the right (oh brother, I hate to say the word) stimulus.

If it's not going to turn around you could do like lots of folks here have done and make it a one-man show--write yourself into a story. We've seen some darn good films done that way so you may want to think it over.

Hate to see you throw in the towel too quickly; on the other hand, if you want to shoot a story with scenery and/or wildlife you may want to sign up for the UWOL Challenge--no humans necessary for that! At least it'll get you shooting.

Clint Harmon
April 11th, 2009, 11:58 PM
Well I almost killed myself doing a stunt in my film. lol

Other then that, I am tired of my food prop. Once this film is over, if I see another (insert food prop) again I'll puke.

Oh and I NEVER exaggerate...

Bob Thieda
April 12th, 2009, 09:22 AM
Well...nothing yet.

I've been working on a short promotional video for a guy running for an elected office of a not for profit group...

Plus, I just happen to find a deal on a motor I needed for a car that's been down and out for a my free time is taken up with an engine swap...
Poor timing, but it needs to be done while I have the borrowed hoist...

So this may be a 48 hour challenge after all...

Bob T.

Dick Mays
April 12th, 2009, 07:11 PM
Got a food based script, but it is set in a bar, and it turns out to be a little difficult getting a bar location as they stay open for business long, long hours. So we went on a bar scouting mission, and you can't just ask to use someone's bar without being a patron, and so... a bottle of Tylenol later I have delegated the bar scouting mission to someone with a stronger constitution. Shooting will begin as soon as we get a really cool location.

Craig Bellaire
April 13th, 2009, 11:38 AM
I still have a couple of ideas but I think the more simple one may win.....

Jay Silver
April 13th, 2009, 11:42 AM
I'm glad to hear that given the longer time allotment people are getting more ambitious this time out - I know I've raised my own bar a bit and it's making things a lot more complicated, but in a fairly good way.

My biggest goal was to get myself out from in front of the camera so I can get some practice actually directing actors as well as making sure I get what I want out of a shot. So far I've only got one of my parts cast but it's just the person I wanted so I'm pretty happy about that.

Nothing's in the can yet but I'm feeling good that this week I can start checking shots off my list. It doesn't leave as much time in post as I was hoping for (I'm really gunning to have some music this time around) but I'm still confident I can pull it off in time.

Good luck, folks!

Dylan Couper
April 13th, 2009, 03:24 PM
well i've decided to stop doing this due to the lack of actors/actresses and the ones i do have aren't very committed at all. Pffff

[tough love=on]

Stop making excuses and act in it yourself! That's what I did for my first two DVC films just to make a point that excuses are only for yourself to feel better about not getting off your butt to do it.

Get a tripod to do the camera work for you and shoot something about how much you love pizza, or about an orange that escaped your grasp and made a dash for the door. Seriously. Do it. Or don't. But don't blame anyone but yourself.

[/tough love]

Jesse Steele
April 13th, 2009, 03:33 PM
not on schedule but rolling along!

Dylan Couper
April 13th, 2009, 05:16 PM
Here's what I've been up to.
Scotch - A man's drink on Vimeo (
Ok, so I got distracted from the theme.... It isn't my real DVC entry, don't worry. :)

Lorinda Norton
April 13th, 2009, 09:16 PM
Please tell me you lined those up at a bar and they're not all yours... ;)

That's just gorgeous work, Dylan. Almost makes me wish I was a man so I could drink the man's drink.

Not really.

Oh, and Dick...we've found your scout.


This sounds exactly like what my dad would say....and he's one of the wisest men I know. :)
Do it. Or don't. But don't blame anyone but yourself.

Meryem Ersoz
April 14th, 2009, 07:01 AM
[tough love=on]

Stop making excuses and act in it yourself! That's what I did for my first two DVC films just to make a point that excuses are only for yourself to feel better about not getting off your butt to do it.

Get a tripod to do the camera work for you and shoot something about how much you love pizza, or about an orange that escaped your grasp and made a dash for the door. Seriously. Do it. Or don't. But don't blame anyone but yourself.

[/tough love]

i think i'm in love!


Lorinda Norton
April 14th, 2009, 12:56 PM
Finally got a story approved by the only other person who's going to be a part of this film so now I can start writing. But the hard part is going to be pulling it off. I'm trying something I've never done before and may chicken out yet! Wish I had more time!!! ;)

Craig Bellaire
April 14th, 2009, 02:07 PM
Now that's funny.. "chicken out" ha ha ha ... just thinking

Robert Martens
April 14th, 2009, 04:01 PM
There. Now no one will be able to say I haven't moved three couches in a day.

A friend of my grandmother's, who lives in the apartment building next to hers, is moving out, and offered two couches free of charge. My dad and I were called in to move them, as is SOP here, and we spent the day accomplishing that. The buildings are connected, so we stayed out of the rain, but the hallways in the basement are narrower than the ones upstairs, so figuring out how to get the things in and out of the elevators--one couch was exactly as tall as the cars, and barely fit--was quite the delicate ballet. And after the two new ones were moved over, the couch my grandmother already had needed to go down to the basement to be stored with the other bulk garbage items.

I mention this only because this neighbor also happened to be getting rid of an artificial tree, the likes of which I desperately need to dress my set, so I got a nice little gift for the day's work. Piece by piece, I'm gathering my things. So much excitement I can hardly stand it.

Andris Krastins
April 14th, 2009, 04:11 PM
Today I had planned an hour's talk at a park about the challenge film with an actor friend, but we ended up discussing for 6 hours the other film we are currently making in which he is one of the main actors.

I'm now sitting at home at night and am updating the script, and see no end in sight. So the future for my DVC entry right now looks very bleak.
If I don't make it, we agreed to make at least a small funny tribute video on the food theme for the DV challenge (a non competing entry) during the shooting of our other film.

Dylan Couper
April 14th, 2009, 04:26 PM
i think i'm in love!


I also do kids birthday parties... but the rant is the same. :)

Nick Hiltgen
April 14th, 2009, 10:00 PM
I think I may have my script worked out, and what's better there are barely any actors in it! Wahoo! I think I've been on the wall of shame for close to two years and that's just too darn long.

Even though I haven't gotten the full script written out, I feel like I'm ahead of schedule because I wasn't planning on doing any work until my taxes were done, but it's so much easier to be creative when you know you only other option is that much more difficult.

Oliver Pahlow
April 15th, 2009, 02:48 PM
Well, I got my taxes done so I am focusing on finishing my script. This will be a first for me to actually go by a script. I plan on starting shooting this weekend. By the way Dylan I have a real thirst for some Scotch now... ;)

Jeremy Doyle
April 17th, 2009, 08:47 AM
I had a story idea that I really really liked. Then reality set in that it would to hard to fit into my schedule at this point. So now it's on to plan B (in actuality its more like plan F, thank goodness for having a month) which means using what's immediately available to me.

It won't be as polished and I won't spend as much time as some I've done in the past, but I should be able to keep myself off the wall of shame.

Dylan Couper
April 17th, 2009, 12:35 PM
Please tell me you lined those up at a bar and they're not all yours... ;)

Actually, they were all off my shelf and I shot it in my livingroom. :)

Dick Mays
April 18th, 2009, 07:26 AM
Please tell me you lined those up at a bar and they're not all yours... ;)

Oh, and Dick...we've found your scout.

I dunno, don't think I could afford to pick up Dylan's bar tab...

Dylan Couper
April 19th, 2009, 01:56 PM
I dunno, don't think I could afford to pick up Dylan's bar tab...

Ah, by the 6th drink you can substitute 25 year old Glenlivet for 94 octane gasoline and I'd slam it without blinkin. :D

Joseph Tran
April 19th, 2009, 06:08 PM
So far...

... I got nothing.

Chris Swanberg
April 19th, 2009, 10:00 PM
The tough part about time travel is that you have to know SOMETHING about the times in which you travellers exist.

That means research... and then searching for approrpriate sites to film in to match the period and place.

The good news is all that is done. All that remains is everything else. (!)

For those who have awaited the sequel to Lightrider 1..... your wait is about over.

Craig Bellaire
April 20th, 2009, 01:57 PM
I got it.... now I have to do it and also check out the rules again....latter

Chris Barcellos
April 20th, 2009, 02:53 PM
Script about written. I will meet with writer tomorrow night. One of us will need to get realistic about locations, as scriptwriter wants me to go to a berry patch somewhere....

This is kind of an interesting situation. Chris Swanberg above is doing a sequel to the Lite Rider we shot together last year. I am doing a sequel to Dead of Winter, that we entered in the holiday competition. And we will both using Dave Lawlor as a lead actor in the films.

Anyone else doing sequels or sharing actors ?

Craig Yates
April 21st, 2009, 03:13 PM
I've got a pretty good idea for what I want to do, just really hoping that I can find the time to shoot it!

Craig Bellaire
April 21st, 2009, 05:44 PM
anyone willing to show a teaser?

Clint Harmon
April 22nd, 2009, 12:16 AM
I don't know if I will have time to assemble a teaser but I can provide a 6 second behind the scenes clip of one of the stunts gone

YouTube - Stunt Outtake1 (

Craig Bellaire
April 22nd, 2009, 06:00 AM
could have been worse... but it was funny and something I would have done 45 lbs ago...

Jeremy Doyle
April 22nd, 2009, 07:35 AM
I don't know if I will have time to assemble a teaser but I can provide a 6 second behind the scenes clip of one of the stunts gone

YouTube - Stunt Outtake1 (

That was enough of a tease to get me excited to see some of these films!

Dylan Couper
April 22nd, 2009, 09:52 AM
I don't know if I will have time to assemble a teaser but I can provide a 6 second behind the scenes clip of one of the stunts gone

YouTube - Stunt Outtake1 (

I'll feel bad for the guy when I finally stop laughing. :)

Craig Bellaire
April 22nd, 2009, 11:52 AM
and yes I'm actually trying to do a good video this time...
DVC Teaser on Vimeo (

Joseph Tran
April 22nd, 2009, 12:57 PM
The 'I' in LIFE -- is that a 'Hot Rod'?!

Craig Bellaire
April 22nd, 2009, 01:25 PM
I was wondering if anyone would notice...I'm a bit old school and one of my favorites to do... 8^)

Robert Martens
April 22nd, 2009, 03:11 PM
You want a preview? Here's your preview. This is all you're getting out of me until I'm finished.

Matt Buys
April 23rd, 2009, 06:58 AM
Clint, that was one sweet out take. I'm guessing that was a non-union mattress though.

Clint Harmon
April 23rd, 2009, 08:49 PM
Ye' got me there. I actually coach gymnastics on my free time and so therefore I had access to a mini trampoline and small mat. Next time, looks like I will procure one of the larger mats...

Lorinda Norton
April 23rd, 2009, 10:36 PM
You guys are something else---this is going to be a GREAT round!!

I can’t shoot mine until next Thursday, which gives me four days to edit and upload.

…Piece of cake.

(How’s that for sticking with a theme, Craig?) ;)

Bruce Foreman
April 23rd, 2009, 10:43 PM
I don't know if I will have time to assemble a teaser but I can provide a 6 second behind the scenes clip of one of the stunts gone

YouTube - Stunt Outtake1 (

Clint, is that a Spiderbrace you are using there, and what cam do you have on it. I've been looking at their website but my cams (Canon HF100's) are pretty small. Looks like what you have is working for you.

Bruce Foreman
April 23rd, 2009, 10:52 PM
I hate this, odds are against me getting an entry done this time. I had a setback in the physical therapy I'm going through, we have no idea what caused it. But I'm back to just barely being able to hobble around the house with a cane.

Extreme tight lower back, left hamstring, and left calf muscles. A stretching regimen was making good progress until first of this month. Plus no crew interest, so barring a miracle I'll have to enjoy what all of you have done this round.

Jay Silver
April 24th, 2009, 07:29 AM
I'm suffering setbacks - I keep getting denied/booted out of locations. Not licked yet but next week will be hoppin' for sure trying to catch up.


Clint Harmon
April 25th, 2009, 08:46 PM
Bruce, I have five identical camera rigs. Each camera is a Panasonic HDC-HS100. For the shoulder support I used Cavision rs1580 from B&H

Cavision | RS1580S-SPE Shoulder Pad with Rod System (

Here is a series of pictures from having alot of attachments to just the bare camera and rig. I have used the cheap light attachment as a lav mount as well. You can also notice my system of camera identification by high end Z.I.P. TIES...

Just to stay on topic, I had a scene that involved 5 cars in the middle of my street (SPOILER...was trying to look criminal). Mind you I am the only house on the street. Police just happened to drive by and notice all the cars. Apperently I made it look authentic. As the police pulled up, I started to walk up to them with one of my camera rigs. In the dark they didnt know what it was and drew their guns at me! Lets just say it was an eventful night.