View Full Version : DOF factors

Kaifoong Kok
December 15th, 2003, 05:45 AM
Dear all, I've read some info in this forum for DOF factors and sometimes people got different conclusions! I don't know who's right and who's wrong! Can anyone please list down all the factors that can affect the DOF of video? My main concern is to get a shallow DOF (which can focus on the subject more without distracting by the surroundings).

1. Some said it has nothing to do with the len's diameter but some don't agree (ie: DVX100's users vs. PD150's users)

2. Some said is the focal length (larger, the shallower) and CCD size (not directly affect the DOF but affect the use of lens, therefore indirectly affect the DOF?).

I wish to confirm on this in order a pick a suitable camera for my future extreme-low budget independant filmmaking.


Frank Granovski
December 15th, 2003, 06:40 AM
sometimes people got different conclusions! I don't know who's right and who's wrong!Please read Jeff's DOF Skinny for all the answers:

Rob Lohman
December 15th, 2003, 09:30 AM
Besides the article, DOF has been discussed lengthy here already.
Please use the search feature to locate those threads (search
on DOF). With that I'm locking this thread.