View Full Version : Anyone have GS100 working as WebCam?

Timothy Kimball
December 13th, 2003, 12:20 PM
Hello All,

I'd like to use my gs100k in web camera mode. Unfortunately it does not want to do this (XP keeps talking about serial driver, which is not installing correctly off the CD).

I don't have any ties to specific webcam software (yet), but would prefer something tied to driver rather than teleconfrence/webcam software.

Some of the other ideas I'm looking into:

- Using the camera on FW port and use translator driver.

- Using the camera output from svideo or composite video, and use some form of capture/translation software.

Has anyone got the camera to work in such a mode?

Huge Thanks,

Jamie Patterson
December 13th, 2003, 08:24 PM
I don't know what your problem is, but I use my GS100k as a webcam all the time. It sometimes has compatibilty issues with some cam programs like Paltalk. For the most part it works fine. I noticed that if you plug in the firewire and USB cords at the same time while in webcam mode you can sometimes transmit a really big, high quality image instead of the usual cam window you get when only using USB. Try using Eyeball chat from if you get your webcam mode working. It works really well, or check out my site at for a list of lots of other video chat alternatives.

Timothy Kimball
December 14th, 2003, 01:47 AM
The problem is this:

Plugging in USB while in video-record mode has XP try and install the DVC-Serial port driver (which fails).

When trying to install the webcam driver software directly from the included CD, it appears to install (which is hard to tell since almost all the text shows '??') and reboot the system. Unfortunately nothing appears to work, and certain other software (in particular GameDrive and some of my games) to not work properly anymore. Uninstalling the driver software fixed the conflicts.

Though the Eyeball software looks interesting at first glance, the perference is to get the camera working with Netmeeting first, since a) this is what the PV-DV953 said it works with, and b) this is what TechTV primarily uses for its live on-air Netcam calls. ;-)

So, how exactly has anyone gotten the camera working as a Webcam?
