View Full Version : Lighting kit (opinions please)

Jonathan Noone
December 12th, 2003, 08:33 AM
Dear All,

While I know the topic of lighting is a subjective question at the best of times I though it best to post the two lighting solutions I'm looking at buying to get feedback.

Basically, I'm about to begin filming interviews with the directors of large firms for a new video / DVD. Filming will be done with a three camera Canon XL1s setup, mostly to relieve the bordem of a locked off shot. The only down side is that the offices of all the subjects vary in size and light etc.. which is why we intend to use a lighting kit to keep it constant.

From reading round on here, I have decided on two possible setups (below) which is to achieve a soft ish look. Both kits work out at approx £1390. Please let me know If I'm on the right track!

Setup one
Lowel Rita 500 w, Lowel Tota-light 800 w. with 2 x Tota
shades, Tota umbrella, 2 x Dedolights 100 with in-line
dimmers & barndoors, 4 x stands, one lamp for each light, and
a Lowel Hard Case.

Setup two
Lowel Rifa 650, Lowel Tota-light 800 w. with 2 x Tota shades, Tota umbrella, Arri Junior Fresnel 650, Arri Junior Fresnel 300 w, 4 x stands, one lamp for each light, and a Petrol Lite Case.



Graeme Nattress
December 12th, 2003, 09:49 AM
I prefer the Lowel Omni with a chimera soft box to the Rifa light - gives you more flexibility, and the chimera is a better product.


Helen Bach
December 12th, 2003, 11:23 AM
Hi Jonathan,

Dedo 100s are very nice lights - for 100 W lights. Great for accents, small areas etc. Not so good for general lighting (but it all depends on how you want to light).

I'd be inclined to have one dedo 100 at the most, and swap the Arri Junior 650 for a dedo 650. If I was allowed only one light, it would be a dedo 650.

Totas used directly aren't all that pretty. They need to be bounced or diffused. Always use them with guards. You only have to see one Tota lamp explode to be persuaded never to use an unguarded lamp.
