View Full Version : New video, please critique
Corey MacGregor December 9th, 2003, 06:26 PM This video isn't complete yet, but I would like to get some second opinions on the editing/pacing. The video has not been color corrected yet, this is just the raw video, only edited. I just want to make sure I have the edit right before I start color correcting. Thanks in advance!
Equipment used:
gl2 (main camera)
gl1 (b-roll, behind the scenes)
2 photoflex 1k softboxes
2 500watt home depot utility lights
1 homemade kino bank
homemade dolly(plans from
edited on fcp3
James Emory December 9th, 2003, 07:37 PM That was really well done. It looks like something on CMT or GAC just the way it is. Great coverage and sound. Was this shot in frame mode or standard? What did you use to warm it up? Can you put up the behind the scenes footage as well?
Barry Gribble December 9th, 2003, 08:40 PM Corey,
The shots are very very nice and the overall feel is great. Good job. As is it is a fine piece of work, but since you asked for feedback on pacing...
My personal opinion is that for the song and the serenity of the settings that you edits are a little too quick. I wanted at least a few times to see the artist long enough for her to get a full stanza out in one shot. Since you did such a nice job with the settings and the look, you can really rest on a shot for a while and let the viewer take it in and breathe with it. It is a relaxing song, and the cuts kept me from relaxing with it a bit.
Additionally you obviously paid a lot of attention to the beat in your editting. While that is a good thing, the cuts got too regular and predictable, e.g. coming on the downbeats of four measures in a row or so. I think in more limited doses it is a very good thing though.
My personal preference would also be for a few cross-disolves. I like them in general, but I think in particular for this video they are more mellow than the cuts... just a few of them though, not every one certainly...
Finally, along the same theme, I think some of the non-performance shots could hold a little longer. Early on you have a shot of her face... later the weather shot and the clock shot... I wanted a bit more on those...
This all said... I don't have cable... I don't see CMT or MTV and it may just be that videos have a separate aesthetic that you have to live in... I will defer on that... I can only speak to my taste as it relates to that song and those shots...
Again good job.... I look forward to seeing the final product too... Keep it up.
Mike Moncrief December 9th, 2003, 11:08 PM Hello,
Nice job, I enjoyed it.. Has a nice kind of filmic look to it so I assume that it was shot using the frame mode???Lighting is nice to. I like the beginning how you do the slow pans of the guitars etc...Overall a pretty good piece..
Kevin King December 9th, 2003, 11:33 PM Corey -
That was greatl. I checked out your website & looked at all your demos / D.O.T.Month's / interviews. Friggen outstanding is all I can say. Inspiring work.
This video's warmth went well with the song. Camera work and editing were supurb. I wouldn't change a thing.
If you don't mind, could you check out my post "Team Bling" in this same topic - I would like your feedback on the demo, it may be to your liking.
Thanks for sharing.
Corey MacGregor December 10th, 2003, 03:35 PM thanks for the replies. i appreciate it very much.
the video was shot in frame mode. i didn't really do anything special to give it a warm look. what you see is the raw footage, no color correction yet. those photoflex softboxes are pretty sweet though, they put out a beautiful soft light. i also used the indoor white balance preset, it looked better than manually white balancing.
i agree with you on the speed of the edits, especially at the beginning of the video. i just needed some reassurance. normally i like to cram 5-6 clips in the span of 3 seconds, so editing this video was a little different for me. i'll also try to throw in a couple cross dissolves, normally i absolutely hate them, but they might work for this type of video.
thanks again everyone, i'll post the final version in about a week or so.
Patrick Falls December 24th, 2003, 11:30 AM that video was very good. it was very aesthetic. i'm trying to begin a small one man video production company, i have a canon xl1, some smith victor 250 watt 3200k photo flood lights, a set of 500 watt halogen work lights, and two packs of gels.
do i need stronger lights? i noticed that when i turn on one of the smith victors in my apartment room it illuminates the whole room. the room is about 15'x20'x10', is this too small a space to use barndoors in?
Rob Lohman December 24th, 2003, 01:17 PM Nice video indeed! I agree that sometimes it seems to go a bit
too fast. A bit more on her singing would be nice. I think I would
have also cut to her when she starts singing for the first time.
Feels a bit "akward" now in my opinion.
Mickey Stroud December 24th, 2003, 03:28 PM Nice job, Corey. Thoroughly enjoyed your video. I agree with the others about a little slower on the cuts and a few dissolves.
If you are still looking for suggestions I would offer three. Three for future productions and one for this one. For this one you might consider adding a little silk and fog filter or diffusion filter to the B roll shots just to add to the warmth that you've already created.
For future productions: In the shot of her standing in front of the candles, the light from camera left seems to be flashing or flickering. I'm not sure what is causing it. It's the least bit distracting. Also, I would like to have seen the candles lit. One more very minor point, on the shot were Leslie is wearing a hat, her shadow on the wall is a little distracting. If she could have been a little further from the wall or the lights adjusted slightly you could have mininimized the shadow.
Keep up the great work and remember these suggestions are just one man's opinion. Hear them all but listen to only those that you believe in.
Bryan Mitchell December 29th, 2003, 01:40 AM Rob, after watching it, that is the main thing that stuck out in my mind as well. The very first time she started singing, it seemed like the camera should have been on her.
Very nice work Corey.
Michael Connor January 3rd, 2004, 08:11 PM sounds good. Donno wether its the time of night, but second time in row ive tried to preview, and got no pic! Will try again tomoz.
Sharon Fraats January 4th, 2004, 01:19 AM Good music and good cuts.
Thank you for the video
Mike Cavanaugh January 6th, 2004, 10:44 PM I agree with the others - Great Job.
My comments FWIW:
Agree on the slower cuts and dissolves
Fewer cut-aways to the instruments, maybe substitute a really wide dolly shot of the singer fireplace, instruments etc.
Dutch angles should be used with caution
But as others have said - go with your heart - it's working so far!
Don Donatello January 8th, 2004, 11:29 PM very rich tones/look/lighting , good camera movement.
cuts to the instruments ( not being used) too many times for me.
i do find one thing missing ( for me). i never see into her EYES. i hardly ever see her EYES looking my way or glancing toward/pass camera ( except few wide shots but too far away to see into eye) ... gotta see into EYES at some point ...
Michael Connor January 9th, 2004, 07:14 PM Excellent, i got it working, had to do a quicktime update. Enjoyed it, well done.I havent read much of other peoles opinion, so ill give you mine then go back and read the others in detail, as its a good way of learning, and im no expert.
I felt there were a little too many cuts. Or that at least in one or two places a good lingering shot woulh have helped capture more feeling from the song. But i liked all of the different angles. Personally i would have liked there, in places, to be less movement on the camera, then when you introduced the shots of the camera drifting along the guitar etc, it would have had a more eye hooking effect, rather than the whole video featuring that style. I did see what someone wrote about her eyes not being in it enough. Yea, i thought this, eyes are special, though you did introduce her face later through the song, perhaps this was the idea? Also, i may be wrong, but i think maybee if you blended the clock shot in rather than a cut it might work a little nicer but i could be wrong here just an idea.
All in all i feel youve done a prettey good job, that most people would be more than pleased with. Im impressed with the pic quality on these cameras, and looking forwards to attempting similar things myself. Though i need to learn all about lighting, and have none at all at the minute! So thankyou, and keep up the good work!
Kevin Burnfield January 26th, 2004, 03:30 PM I liked it a lot.
I think the others here made good suggestions especially about the fast disolve transitions. You can use a really short disolve and it's barely noticable but it's a 'softer' cut.
The one that I might make is to expand on the church thing or on her.
There's only one or two shots where she isn't singing. Perhaps cast her as a character in the song.
I need to go back and listen to the words to the song but I imagine there was a reason for it and perhaps you can chose a lower pace interlude in the song and have a lingering exterior CU shot of her in a window looking out.
Perhaps at a moment of a good line in the song she can have some emotional reaction and place her hand against the glass....
Christopher C. Murphy January 26th, 2004, 04:10 PM Hey, great work! How did you get the warmth?
Also, the only thing I would do is cut less - dissolve more. However, I think that dissolving on certain spots would make more going from wide to closeups.
Overall 8 out of 9 stars! If you tweak it...I'll give you 9! If you get it on one of those country music channels...10!