View Full Version : Program To Extract Stills

Dave Largent
December 8th, 2003, 08:11 PM
I was wondering if anyone knew the name or had experience with a program that makes stills out of
interlaced video. As I remember, the program
was suppose to be an improvement over
regular NLE extracion.
What is your opinion of the maximum print
size that looks good when capturing
stills using regular NLE?

Helen Bach
December 8th, 2003, 08:47 PM
I've been using FieldsKit ( for a while. It is a good de-interlacer for making stills and for other processes. I've never tried printing video frame grabs to anything larger than video sleeve size, so I can't really say how big you can go. However I'm currently trying S-Spline Pro ( on digital stills and so far I have found it to be marginally better quality than step interpolation in Photoshop, and less trouble.

Dave Largent
December 9th, 2003, 12:20 AM
Thanks, Helen.
I got a trial of S-Spline. Seems pretty easy to use. I'll
probably end up getting it.
I think my NLE is not the best at deinterlacing. I'm thinking about going with DV Filmaker. Does anyone know if DV Filmaker has a "convert to still" function?