View Full Version : People in our state?

Bruce Moore
April 29th, 2002, 08:31 PM
Is there any way to sort members by state and city. I think it would be a plus to your site if we could find out who are fellow amigos are. It would also help if we could contact other members if we travel and are in their area. You have formed a brotherhood here, and it would be nice to aquire new friend with the same local interests.

If anyone reads this and agrees, please post!

Glendale, AZ

Chris Hurd
April 29th, 2002, 08:42 PM
It's a great idea, Bruce. I'll pass it along to Jelsoft, the makers of the forum software, and see if there's a hack or an update which will allow this. Thanks for suggesting it,

Ken Tanaka
April 29th, 2002, 08:45 PM
Not to cut Chris' response off, but I remember your inquiry earlier this year. Basically, since there's no way to reliably capture that information of to perform such a sort/search.

If you want to connect with folks in your area I'd suggest that you just put a call out for interested members to send you an email note.

Bruce Moore
April 29th, 2002, 10:55 PM

More than likely they stll wouldn't participate but for us who do, it would be great. Whatever their reason for not putting info in the system is their choice.

If anyone comes to Az I'd, be more than happy to meet them and tell them all the good places to do some great video .
You could e-mail me, call me or stop by. Those that don't want to, don't have to participate but I think we could form a great international group of friends.

I hope you find a way to do it Chris, I think the pros far out way the cons.


Adam Lawrence
April 30th, 2002, 03:38 PM

ol' Glendale Arizona...

you woudnt happen to be a video student would ya? or former?

went to school in that area years back, digital video/multimedia major.

Rob Lohman
April 30th, 2002, 04:37 PM
It is a very nice idea... but I think it will be very difficult todo,
here's why:

- Some people do not fill it out
- Perhaps some people fill it out incorrectly?
- Very difficult todo technically because it is a free-text
field that anyone can fill. If I make a type, for example
Europa instead of Europe you will not find me under
Europe. For this to work you need to let users pick from
lists where they live (how far you want to go with this
also depicts how many lists you have with how many
items in there. Or logic behind it).

I come from a website building background myself, so I know
that questions as these, although easily answered by a
human, are really difficult for a computer to do. Unless very
good setup.

Again, nice idea though!

Bruce Moore
April 30th, 2002, 05:13 PM

A few points:
- If I don't know how to spell, I loose
- If they don't fill out the acurate info, that means they don't want to be is such a search
-They can edit
- If I were going to the Netherlands, or England or France, or Canada, That's what I'd enter. It would be nice to get contacts (e-mail first) and try to reach these people for info about their country and ask for travel suggestions, warnings, laws, etc.
- We are a friendly group, we're not offended if someone says they don't have the time.
- I bet anybody in the Movie business can find anybody in the world that's involved in there realm of interest by country, or state, or city.

we can all come up with excuses why not to do something but as a group of people in a new phase of the imageing field, we need all the help and friendship we can find.

The world is getting smaller every day and who knows where you'll be tomorrow!

Chris is the person with the real veto power over this endeavor, BUT I hope this idea makes sense to him and he can see its merits.


Rob Lohman
May 1st, 2002, 03:08 AM
Bruce... you know I'm Rob, right? :)

I totally agree with you. I was only pointing out pitfalls. The
pro's must be weighted against the con's.... that's all. I still
agree that such a function would be awesome...
