View Full Version : Pinnacle Edition

Hugh DiMauro
December 8th, 2003, 09:20 AM
I own Pinnacle Edition 5 but cannot get timeline video/audio to play. In the preview windows, all I get are exclamation points. The only thing I can add to this is that I have certain Windows XP based background programs set to "disable" through control panel>administrative tools>services.

Any ideas?

David Stoneburner
December 8th, 2003, 10:10 AM
You might have the render window turned off. Look on your tool bar near the audio icon. You'll see an icon that looks kinda like a capitol E with bar next to it. Click that and open, then make sure start rendering is activated. Hopefully that is it.

John Wilcox
December 8th, 2003, 01:58 PM
Certain Firewalls, if not set up correctly, can stop Edition 5 rendering and so prevent playback.

If you have a firewall running try disabling it before you launch Edition and see it this solves your problem.

Hope this helps.

Peter Jefferson
December 9th, 2003, 03:05 AM
excuse my ignorance, but why the hell woudl a Video Editing application have an issue with a firewalll.... which is TOTALLY unrelated.. unless of course Pinnacle is sending out info aboutt the type f work their apps are set for....

im glad i uninstalled it... i dont like apps which like to associate all my fiels to it...

Hugh DiMauro
December 9th, 2003, 07:40 AM
Mr. Jefferson,

If what you are saying is true, then nothing, and I mean nothing, ticks me off more than when software exploits a user by sending back user's info to the software's website. But I must say, if it is the firewall, I'm sure its not internet related because I believe I might have used Edition when I was not connected to the internet. But man, what a learning curve on that program. Makes me glad I use Vegas 4.0.

David Stoneburner
December 9th, 2003, 11:02 AM
I haven't seen this, but the a reason for Edition to have trouble with a firewall is because it can edit over an established network. Again that is if you have Liquid Edition. That is most likely the problem with some firewalls.

John Wilcox
December 9th, 2003, 12:49 PM
This is how the firewall problem was expained to me (I have no idea how true or not it is)...

"Some firewalls confuse Edition accessing the GPU for realtime effects with the programme trying to access the internet. The result of this is the Firewall blocks Edition and so prevents it rendering."

I have done a few tests, including installing a software Firewall and Edition on a machine not connected to the internet, and am sure Edition is not trying to access the internet without my knowing.

Hope that made sense :)

Emmet Lucey
December 9th, 2003, 11:47 PM
I'm using liquid edition and it is an absolute must to shut down firewall (zone alarm pro). Weird, but get used to it, like the twelve hundred other unresolved problems with this otherwise great software.

Peter Jefferson
December 11th, 2003, 10:49 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by David Stoneburner : I haven't seen this, but the a reason for Edition to have trouble with a firewall is because it can edit over an established network. Again that is if you have Liquid Edition. That is most likely the problem with some firewalls. -->>>

that, i can apprecaite and actaulyl think its a great idea when running a render farm of 12 units or so.. this allows u to confine certain machines, while working on other projects on the otehr machines...

however, this program doesnt support this... as you have mentioned Liquid editions 9and i think the liquid series in general) are the only ones to support this...

as for the Edition having issues with an AGP GPU config, i honestly dont think that would be the case, UNLESS the app is trying to downlaod drivers or configs for the GPU to se tit up to run in accordance with Pinnacle requirements....
in any case, i wouldnt trust an application which attempts to override your custom settings within your video card.. especially if your using a high end AGP GFX monster for 3d graphic animation and rendering...

by the way i also dont like how it attempts to associate ALL your media files to Pinnacle... i dont particularly want to open a jpg in edition when all i want to do is view it within the image and fax viewer....

thats jsut me, but the lack of choice when it comes to all this is what makes me NOT use this app...

PS sorry about the dyslexic prev post... typing fast while tired.. :(

Dennis Jakobsen
January 13th, 2004, 11:07 AM
Did you ever solve that problem?

Asking because I have the exact same problem with the Edition 5,5... Can't seem to preview any of the footage edited, seems like it doesn't even bother to render.

And I have made sure that redering is idle, and that there is no Firewall causeing problems.

Hope someone now has an answer for this odd behaviour!