Agus Casse
December 6th, 2003, 05:30 PM
Hey there, i want to buy a new DV camera, under 1k... please any sugestion so i can compare ?
View Full Version : Best Camera under 1k ? Agus Casse December 6th, 2003, 05:30 PM Hey there, i want to buy a new DV camera, under 1k... please any sugestion so i can compare ? Glenn Chan December 7th, 2003, 01:31 AM Well first you should figure out your needs (dictated by what you need to shoot) and then figure out the features you need and then the camera that has the most of those features in your budget. Make sure you take into account extras like tripod, tape, case, and external mic (I'd recommend one if you want good sound). That being said... This Japanese site has some image comparisons to make some objective comparisons between cameras: Check out the "29 type comparison"- 1CCD and 3CCD cameras galore. The images are resized down so you don't get to see differences in resolution with accuracy, but there are some full-size images of resolution charts on that site. There are some limitations with that test. Differences in white balance might not be as irritating as in a side by side comparison. The test may not give you a full idea of video quality. My opinions: The GS70 looks hot. Great looking pictures and decent low light. The TRV19/22 has amazing low light, but its pictures has flaws in some situations. I've used it so I can tell you its resolution is not amazing, it gives false colors in some situations, and the camera will overexposure in stage (high contrast lighting situations while manual controls are difficult. The picture is very contrasty and saturated which a lot of people like. This effect is lessened a lot when exposure is decreased though. Keep in mind I'm kinda picky. According to camcorderinfo ( the Panasonic PV-DV53 is a good low end cam, but it has no accessory shoe. Some old models are really good if you can find em. The Panasonic MX3000/PV-DV951 looks good. Unfortunately most of these cameras I have not used. People at the cameras forum and at forums will have reports on these cameras. On a sidenote, the whole Panasonic line is looking great right now (from the DV53, GS70, DV953[3CCD for $1600ish], DVX100, to the SDX-900[near digibeta quality at $25k]). Shawn Mielke December 7th, 2003, 03:38 AM Here's some info on the dv953. Tor Salomonsen December 7th, 2003, 06:17 AM If you want good answers - not that the ones you've got are not - you should provide more info. What do you use your camera for? What in a video is important to you? Nick Kerpchar December 7th, 2003, 06:46 AM Agus, Both Glen and Tor are absolutely correct, you really need to provide more information on what needs you have for the camcorder. In addition, if you use the "search" feature in this forum you will find a great deal of information regarding comparisons between camcorders. Having said all that, if you want a good camcorder for under $1K USD, and are looking for a bargain, then you should look into the Panasonic PV-DV852 that is being sold at B&H (one of the sponsors of this forum) for $569 USD. I don't know what the shipping and customs duty would be for Guatemala but if you are going to import that would be a cost no matter what camcorder you decide upon. I understand from reading on this forum that the PV-DV852 is similar to the DV-953 that both Glenn and Shawn mention in their posts. Good luck with your search, Nick Jesse Dorje Irwin December 7th, 2003, 12:41 PM If you use a price comparison service you should be able to find the PV-DV953 for under $1K, I think I paid $1008 for mine shipped. :) Agus Casse December 7th, 2003, 01:51 PM I am planning to use the Camera for my motorsport tv show, i also have a steadytracker that i still want to use, and a 35mm lens adapter that i made. I currently own a TRV18, and it is a great camera, but perhaps i can get better quality with 1k than my current one. Glenn Chan December 7th, 2003, 02:29 PM Maybe optical stabilization will help a lot. From what I hear Canon optical stabilization is the strongest (from Adam Wilt's review of the XL1 versus the VX1000). The Panasonic PV-DV953, PV-DV852, Canon optura 100MC and some of the other Canon cameras have optical image stabilization I believe. The PV-DV852 looks like a great deal. It has bigger chips than the 953. Can't say I used it though. Shawn Mielke December 7th, 2003, 03:08 PM I recommend that you skip all normal single chip camcorders. You've done the single chip thing, none of them radically stand out from one another. You can do much better for a thousand dollars. Your choices, however, become very limited. Panasonic dv953 : 3ccd - 3.5"LCD - optical image stabilization - $1100 Panasonic gs70 : 3ccd - 2.5"LCD - electronic image stabilization - $800 I hear that the Canon Optura Xi's rgb ccd produces color that is almost as good as 3ccd s. I say almost is not good enough. I say that the only worthwhile $1k cam out right now is the dv953. I say your choices are too limited in this range to compromise the cam by figuring in all of the $upporting gear at the outset. Get the best cam you possibly can with your grand, and pick up the other stuff as you go. Good luck! Regards, Shawn Agus Casse December 7th, 2003, 04:07 PM I really dont mind about camera stabilization, cause i use a 35mm adapter... i just want low noise, great audio and great picture quality (who doesnt) Agus Casse December 7th, 2003, 04:24 PM dv953 and gs70 seens like the best in the market for less than 1k, trully amazing. Anyone know what are their diferences besides the lcd screen side ? Frank Granovski December 7th, 2003, 05:04 PM i just want low noise, great audio and great picture quality (who doesnt)Then you'll want the PV-DV852 from B&H. Great cam, great price - deal of the century. Don't miss out! Agus Casse December 7th, 2003, 05:08 PM The DV852 seens like a really good value price, but it seens not to have all the manual options like the dv953, which is also a 3 ccd camera. Frank Granovski December 7th, 2003, 05:18 PM You don't have any other 3-CCD options with full manual controls for under 1K unless you buy used. And the 852 does have low noise as you wished for. There may be another option, though. Contact B&H to see if they still have the Pana AG-EZ50U for under 1K. Agus Casse December 7th, 2003, 05:26 PM The dv953 seens superior to the AG-EZ50U, what do you think ? Actually i am thinking of spending 2k, get a dv953, a Dv852, and good video walkman, or deck... Frank Granovski December 7th, 2003, 06:31 PM Yes, the PV-DV953 is a better cam than the AG-EZ50U, but not by a whole lot, depending on which features you require more. If you are going to spend $2000 now, consider a DVC80 or wait for the new DVC30. Also, perhaps there'll be a PV-DV953 replacement in early spring. Shawn Mielke December 7th, 2003, 06:52 PM The dv953 AND the 852? So, are you looking for two cams to work with, or are you going shopping crazy :-) ? Search GS70, you will find out about 953/gs70 differences quickly. The GS70 seems to lack some rather useful manual controls. The trv950 ($1600) seems to do better in low light than the 953. If you think you'll be shooting in plenty of light more often than not, the 953 looks to be a deal. If you're willing to put that $2k into nothing but a camcorder right now, you open yourself up to quite a few more options in the 3ccd realm...... Shawn Agus Casse December 7th, 2003, 07:22 PM 2k for 2cams and a deck.. that is what i want... if only one cam, i wont spend more than 1k :) Shawn Mielke December 7th, 2003, 08:15 PM GS70 is $670 at Onecall. One of these and a 953? Agus Casse December 7th, 2003, 09:24 PM dunno about the GS70, i preffer to buy it at BH cause i will also help the page cause it is a sponsor. Also, comparin the GS70 to the 852 ? which one could be better? one is $570 and the other $780, Frank Granovski December 8th, 2003, 12:58 AM The 852 is better. It's only cheaper because it's a 2-year-old cam and B&H is blowing them off. Gerald Lee December 9th, 2003, 04:44 AM I have an 852 and it does really well outdoors. Since it's a Panny it has all the manual features you could want from a camera in this price range (iris,white balance, shutter speed, manual focus ring). The sound is excellent, and it has an external mic jack as well as an accesory shoe. Low light indoors isn't too bad because of the size of the CCD. It beats the hell out of the Canons in this price range though (which isn't saying too much). Anyways, here's a shot straight from the camera (deinterlaced, but no color correction). I'm holding on to this until I save up for a DVX100A. I've shot over 50 hours with my 852 and it has satisfied me. Agus Casse December 9th, 2003, 10:37 AM Good to know, i will buy both cams :) |