View Full Version : Tripod for the XL1 / XL1S
Josh Bass May 10th, 2002, 11:03 PM Canon XL1s, good sir. I guess quote me a price on a bogen/manfrotto 503 head-based rig, and on a 501 head-based rig as well. I'm open to suggestions, as well. Keep in mind, I'm not ready to buy at this time, and may not be for some time. So please don't go through too much trouble.
Frank Granovski May 10th, 2002, 11:15 PM XL-1, okay. I would go for the 503 head. Your looking for legs too, right, when you say "rig."
You shouldn't consider the 501 for your cam.
I'll select some legs, then, and post you the price for each in a couple of days or so.
Josh Bass May 11th, 2002, 07:52 AM Well, someone above had said that the 501 suited them just fine. I 'll defer to your judgement however.
Yes I do mean legs and head when I say rig.
Since we're at it, do those lower Canada prices apply to all video equipment? I want to get the 16x manual lens for the XL1s. The lowest I've found it for here is $1500.
Frank Granovski May 11th, 2002, 01:22 PM Manfrotto and Miller products are usually cheaper, not lenses nor cams. We get shafted up here with cam prices and some US made products (like Porta-Brace).
The 501 head would be okay, but the 503 would be ideal.
Josh Bass May 11th, 2002, 02:24 PM Thanks anyway. Like I said, if you want, quote me price on a 503 head based tripod.
Frank Granovski May 11th, 2002, 06:19 PM I suggest the Manfrotto 351 MV-B video legs with the Bogen 503 head. You will also need a spreader, which is inexpensive. There are 2 spreaders available, a mid-level, for outdoors, and the other for indoors: on flooring, carpet etc. I'll convert the prices for you on Monday, and compare them with say the B&H (total) price. I Think it's cheaper by about 18%. But with Miller, They are about 40% cheaper over here at Leo's (Vancouver), compared with a good USA price.
Josh Bass May 11th, 2002, 07:50 PM Much appreciated good sir. Like I said before, I won't be able to buy it for a while, so if this is any inconvenience to you, I order you to cease your blasted inquiries immediately!
Frank Granovski May 11th, 2002, 09:44 PM You don't have to buy anything. I'm just suggesting what to buy for the XL-1 (in way of a tripod and head), and trying to find out the best place to buy it from, whether in Canada, or the USA. Manfrotto is a good option, good bang for the buck. Besides, I'm sure other members may find this information useful. And I do wnat to find out for myself, where to get the best deal on Manfrottos (if I were an American). I already know that Millers are a heck of a lot cheaper here, then there. Take care.
Josh Bass May 11th, 2002, 10:20 PM Groovy. Just wanted to be clear.
Josh Bass May 12th, 2002, 02:47 PM You said the Miller was 40 percent cheaper than in the US? Let me know if there's a good price on a miller tripod, as well.
Frank Granovski May 12th, 2002, 10:22 PM Just contact
They are also the distributer.
Josh Bass May 13th, 2002, 01:28 AM Do they have prices on the site? I looked, and just found specs on the gear.
Frank Granovski May 13th, 2002, 02:07 AM Just e-mail or phone them.
Most sites that list prices are usually not up to date anyways, or they put list prices up and you have phone them or e-mail them for the actual prices. This includes places like B&H and Video Direct...Camera World etc. That's how the game is played.
Josh Bass May 13th, 2002, 02:16 AM Oy.
Chris Hurd May 13th, 2002, 06:36 AM Camera World of Oregon has been recently "assimilated" by Ritz Camera. Don't know what that does to their previously good reputation, though. However the Camera World we knew has ceased to exist and is now just an asteroid belt.
Frank Granovski May 13th, 2002, 10:40 AM That's news for me, Chris. Lot of guys I know take the fast train from Vancouver, British Columbia (or drive) down to Portland, just to visit and buy from Camera World!! It was a good place. I too hope it remains so.
Todd Dilley September 3rd, 2002, 12:32 AM My question regards tripods. I was wondering what the best tripods for the Canon XLS are?
I've seen Canon offers a product called the Steady-Stick. It supplies support when shooting to give you that rock solid shot. It can broken down in size to allow for easy transportation. To anyone who has used this, is this as good as a tripod?
Any help on this topic is appreciated. Also indicate where I could purchase any of the products in the post.
Adrian Douglas September 3rd, 2002, 01:27 AM If you do a search on TRIPODS you will find hundreds of posts on the subject. Tripods range from around $80 to several thousands and it all depends on what you want to do and the budget you have.
I've never used the Steady Stick so can't help you there, but Bogan/Manfrotto make some affordable quality tripods/fluid heads that are perfect for the XL
Don Berube September 3rd, 2002, 01:42 AM I bought a SteadyStick about two years ago and I love it. It is meant to be used when you want your handheld shots to look as if they were shot from a tripod. It is not a stabilization device such as a SteadiCam, again it is not meant to be used when running or walking around.
It allows you to shoot handheld all day long without fatigue, while keeping your shots steady like a tripod would. It does not replace a tripod however. I would keep a tripod close by (in the production vehicle or with an assistant) in case you find your shot requires a tripod.
The newest model allows you to take the camera off of the stick and mount immediately to your tripod. A very handy feature.
- don
Jacques Mersereau September 5th, 2002, 07:44 PM When I was at NAB 2 years ago, I tried every
single tripod I could find ... dozens of them.
I bought a vinten vision 3 from B&H. About
I also liked Sachtler and Libtec.
FWIW, I have a Bogen 3140 Combo Kit
and destest it (sorry to say;).
bassgruv417 September 15th, 2002, 10:58 PM The Libec LS-35 works great w/ my XL1/s and the $520 price tag isn't bad for a decent set of sticks...good luck!
Marcus Farrar September 16th, 2002, 09:45 AM Greetings
A Steady-Stick or monopod work great for shoots with a lot of moving around. It can be a little tricky getting the hang of pans and tilts with a monopod. On most shoots as mentioned b4 I use both a tripod and a monopod. I am a Bogen fan myself. They make great solid tripods and monopods in a decent price range. I like the fact that I can get the quick release plates that will fit both my monopod (w/head) and my tripod. It makes it easy to switch between the two.
I would say get both. A monopod (Steady-Stick) will not cost you much and a tripod is a must for good solid shots with pans, tilts and when you need a quick break you can without haveing to set the camera down.
The tripod I use is Bogen 3181. I am used to having a bowl and had to have it on my smaller cameras also. I have a Bogen 3063 head. It does a great job. I think most of the people here have the 501 pro head witch is great and more like my studio head for my bigger camers (3066) . I choose the smaller 3063 because it cost less and the XL1 is so light that I feel I can get away with it. I love being portable and light and thats what I get out of my 3063, head.
Simon Plissi September 18th, 2002, 02:59 AM I use the Cartoni Action Pro fluid head/legs with my XL1 and like it very much. The controls allow the tripod to be set up quickly and easily with no annoying fiddly controls. You can also get a soft case to go with it which I highly recommend, unless you want to consider something like a third party soft case like the ones Kata make.
Ross Milligan September 19th, 2002, 02:52 AM I am using a Manfrotto setup consisting of the 028B tripod with 501 head and 127VS dolly if needed - it works for me and did not break the budget.
Ralph Keyser September 19th, 2002, 12:22 PM I'm using a Miller DS-10 with my XL1. As you can tell, there are a lot of options in the tripod department for the XL1. There's been a real move over the last few years on the part of all the tripod makers to cater to the DV market, and the XL1 is usually the poster child for the DV cameras. As a result, there are lots and lots of choices in this area.
Dylan Couper September 21st, 2002, 12:01 AM Manfrotto/Bogen 501 head, and 351 sticks. I think it's 351. Maybe 3051?
Robert Knecht Schmidt September 21st, 2002, 09:22 PM I use a Bogen 3246 Black Professional Tripod with 3066 Fluid Head. Very solid. I also had to buy an additional 3158 Mounting Plate for the 3066 head to allow for quick changes with my cobra crane. Just the plate will set you down $30... what a ripoff!
Denis Murphy September 25th, 2002, 11:01 AM I use a Manfrotto 500MV with 501 head. Cost about $750 here in Ireland. Nice and weighty although the head could be better. Good value.
Jeff Donald September 25th, 2002, 03:11 PM I use a Vinten Vision 10 with carbon fiber sticks. The pan and tilt drags are very adjustable (0 to 10) The counter weights are also very adjustable. This allows for me to configure my camera in many different ways. The lens, adapters and batteries I use for wildlife weigh in at almost 20 pounds.
Don Berube September 26th, 2002, 05:57 PM If I had my way I would use an O'Connor fluid head all the time. I always try to use the O'Connor "Ultimate DV" 2575C whenever I can. It isn't cheap, yet it isn't the most expensive one either. It IS however, extremely fluid and extremely controllable as far as drag and tilt feel is concerned - it works with you, not against you like so many of the cheaply-priced heads. This is not overkill for a smaller DV camera, it just has a superb feel for ultra precise moves as you want them to happen, easy to "get it right the first time" with this one.
I have used this on the XL1S, as well as the new Panasonic DVX100 when I was in LA recently. It was such a pleasant experience. It easily handles larger DVCam and BetaCams too.
This head will last you a career, not just a few years like many of the cheaply-priced units.
Travelreview October 5th, 2002, 06:03 AM For my XL1s I use Monfrotto 028 legs, a Monfrotto 501 head, and Monfrotto 127 dolly. Costs around $395 US and works great.
Thomas Berg Petersen October 14th, 2002, 06:15 PM I bought a set from B&H Photo. It was a bit pricy (999$) but works excellent. The set consists of: Bogen Manfrotto 3182 tripod, 505 multispring fluid head, tripod spreader, carry strap and a padded tripod bag.
Jay Thompson July 17th, 2003, 09:10 AM I am attaching my XL1 to a Miller Tripod. The adapter will fit the tripod fine.. However I don't have it in hand and won't till the shoot. Can anyone tell me if the Miller 493 adapter will fit my XL1s? I want to make sure of this to avoid any surprises
Nathan Gifford July 20th, 2003, 04:56 PM I moved your post here since I think you are more likely to get the correct answer.
Waco Oguin December 6th, 2003, 02:56 PM What is the best tripod for the xl1?
Rob Lohman December 10th, 2003, 04:19 PM That depends on a lot of things ofcourse. As with everything
there is never a best thing. It always depends on things like:
- your budget
- what kind of shooting you do
- etc.
Waco Oguin December 10th, 2003, 09:13 PM I would like to keep the price under $1000 and get something that would provide some smooth pans and tilts.
Robert Knecht Schmidt December 10th, 2003, 10:00 PM There are plenty of "right" answers to this question.
I went with a Bogen 3246 Black Professional Tripod with 3066 Fluid Head, and I think this fits your criteria. It's not too heavy, not too light, not too cheap, and not too pricey. The head will handle the weight of your camera or the weight of a jib arm (a "crane") if you choose to buy one later.
Jeff Donald December 10th, 2003, 10:18 PM Do a search, this topic has been covered pretty extensively. I would recommend, with your budget, a Sachtler, Vinten or Miller tripod. In a slightly lower range Gitzo and Bogen (Manfrotto) offer good alternatives. I personally use a Vinten, but have used all of the rest except Miller. A tripod is the most important accessory to the camera. Buy the very best you can afford.
Scott Burbank December 11th, 2003, 02:32 PM This is what I use. Works very well. You won't be let down.
Robert Knecht Schmidt December 11th, 2003, 03:05 PM Looks nice, but that's a lot of money for a head (especially one that only supports 10 pounds)--what will he have left for sticks?
Scott Burbank December 11th, 2003, 05:53 PM Well then go here and get both. Sticks and head. Under a $1000 (accept tax)
Ken Tanaka December 11th, 2003, 06:00 PM B&H sells the Miller DS-10 ( with a soft case (not included in the other package) for $960. It's an excellent tripod, head and case kit (I own one). I highly recommend it for a basic XL1 rig.
Mike Doyle January 29th, 2004, 05:45 PM For many years I used a Vinten Vision 12 tripod under my Betacam SP. Now that I've switched full-time to the XL1s I'm searching for a tripod with many of the Vinten's features but without the weight...extends to 5'6" tall, fluid head with neutral balancing, camera quick-release. Any ideas will be appreciated.
Steve Siegel January 29th, 2004, 07:07 PM Any Bogen-Manfrotto or Gitzo tripod is good, along with Bogen fluid heads of the 500 series. I personally use a Bogen 3126 tripod for light-weight work, or a Gitzo Studex Pro, which is as stable as any Vinten tripod, and a hell of a lot cheaper. Bogen's 503 (and I think 505) head has that neutral position feature, the 501 does not. Quick release plates are pretty much standard.
Once again they're much cheaper than Vinten products.
Jeff Donald January 29th, 2004, 07:53 PM Having owned all the major brands except Miller, I would have to say that if you're used to Vinten quality, neither Bogen or Gitzo will deliver. The pan and tilt movements aren't even in the same league for smoothness and consistency under all conditions. If you can afford the Vinten tripods, you should stick with them. The Vision 3 has received high praise by many users. You might want to search the better brands, such as Vinten, Miller and Sachtler.
Lorinda Norton January 29th, 2004, 08:01 PM Mike,
Look into specifics on the Bogen/Manfrotto line before you buy. In case you haven't seen it, on another thread here Mike Rehmus had this to say about the 516 head I recently bought for use w/XL1s:
"What you've just found out is that it really isn't a fluid head in the traditional sense, it's a friction head with some thick silicon grease caught between two disks to smooth it out a bit."
Here's the reference:
That said, for basic work I've used a Bogen 3126 head (like Steve) on 3011 legs and been pretty happy, but then I'm working my way up--I don't have the comparison factor that you do. :)
Although...we did rent an old Bogen 3066 head and tripod last month. Hated it, but I think maybe it had seen better days.
Edit: Jeff's post just beat mine. He's so right (as usual :). What I use would drive you crazy!
Jacques Mersereau February 1st, 2004, 07:14 PM I'd go for the Vinten Vision 3 and carbon fibre two
stage legs.
Ken Tanaka February 1st, 2004, 08:11 PM I second Jacques' recommendation. I have a Bogen/Manfrotto 3066, Miller DS10, a Sachtler DV-6 and a Vinten Vision 3. My Vinten dusts all of the others. As Jeff noted, Vinten is in a league of it's own. But, of course, it's expensive. At approx. $2,200, it might be a stretch. The Sachtler DV-6 would be my 2nd choice. It's quite good and built to last. Ditto the Miller DS-10, although it's a notch or two down from the DV-6.
John C Heid February 1st, 2004, 11:54 PM I read several positive reports here about the Vinten Vision 3. I am seriously considering ordering this fluid head from B&H for my XL-1S. There are several carbon fibre legs available. Can someone please suggest the best 2 stage carbon fibre legs by model # for the XL-1S? Also, do you suggest a bag by PortaBrace, or Vinten for the tripod? (I use a PortaBrace CT3 for the XL-1S already). Thank you!